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jQuery Typeahead Ajax 在引导程序 4 中不起作用

[英]jQuery Typeahead Ajax not working in bootstrap 4

How can i set the Typeahead source from an Ajax call.如何从 Ajax 调用设置 Typeahead 源。 I tried below code but it seems undefined.Loading from local array is working fine.我尝试了下面的代码,但似乎未定义。从本地数组加载工作正常。 Only ajax implementation has the problem.只有 ajax 实现有问题。


  $('#account-drp .typeahead').typeahead({
    hint: true,
    highlight: true,
    minLength: 1
  }, {
    name: 'account',
    source: function(query, result)

account_lookup.php: account_lookup.php:

$accounts = array('Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California',
    'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii',
    'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana',
    'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota',
    'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire',
    'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Carolina', 'North Dakota',
    'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island',
    'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont',
    'Virginia', 'Washington', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming','Highland');

if (isset($_REQUEST['query'])) {
    $query = $_REQUEST['query'];

    $matchstr = "/".$query."/";
    $matches = preg_grep($matchstr,$accounts);

    $data = array();
    foreach($matches as $match) {
        $data[] = $match;

    header('Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8');
    echo json_encode ($data);
    (function ($) {
      'use strict';
      var substringMatcher = function (strs) {
        return function findMatches(q, cb) {
          var matches, substringRegex;

          // an array that will be populated with substring matches
          matches = [];

          // regex used to determine if a string contains the substring `q`
          var substrRegex = new RegExp(q, 'i');

          // iterate through the pool of strings and for any string that
          // contains the substring `q`, add it to the `matches` array
          for (var i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
            if (substrRegex.test(strs[i])) {


        async: false
      // Make async false first
      var jsonDataSt = (function () {
        var result;
        $.getJSON('http://localhost/demo/account_lookup_no_db.php?query=', {}, function (
          data) {
          result = data;
        return result;

      var jsonDataSt = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jsonDataSt));

      $('#account-drp .typeahead').typeahead({
        hint: true,
        highlight: true,
        minLength: 1
      }, {
        name: 'account',
        source: substringMatcher(jsonDataSt)


Load all list in one Ajax call and do the local search with Typeahead.在一次 Ajax 调用中加载所有列表,并使用 Typeahead 进行本地搜索。

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