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需要提交两次表单才能使用jQuery AJAX正确发布

[英]Needing to submit form twice to post correctly using jQuery AJAX

I'm trying to submit a form using jQuery AJAX. 我正在尝试使用jQuery AJAX提交表单。 I'm not so great with this code, so am not able to see 我对这段代码不太满意,所以看不到

Issue - why I need to submit the form twice in order for it to post. 问题 -为什么我需要提交两次表单才能发布。

When I submit the form the textarea clear back to placeholder text and nothing happens. 当我提交表单时,textarea会清除回placeholder文本,什么也不会发生。 When I click it again, the post submits and displays. 当我再次单击它时,该帖子将提交并显示。 I have the following textarea and button 我有以下textareabutton

<textarea class="add-message-textarea" name="message_body" id="message_textarea" placeholder="Write message"></textarea>
<button class="post-button button" type="submit" name="post_message" id="message_submit">Post</button>

When I submit I have the following: 当我提交时,我有以下内容:

$body = '';
if(isset($_POST['post_message'])) {

    if(isset($_POST['message_body'])) {
        $body = $_POST['message_body'];

Then AJAX call: 然后调用AJAX:

var userLoggedIn = '<?php echo $userLoggedIn; ?>';
var user_to      = '<?php echo $user_to; ?>';
var body         = '<?php echo $body; ?>'
// var body          = $("#message_textarea").val();

$(document).ready(function() {


    //ajax request for send 'sending a new message' string to dB
        url: "includes/handlers/ajax_send_message.php",
        type: "POST",
        data: {'userLoggedIn':userLoggedIn, 'user_to':user_to, 'body':body},
        cache: true,

                success: function(response) {


ajax_send_message.php looks like this simple: ajax_send_message.php看起来像这样简单:

global $con;
if(isset($_POST['userLoggedIn']) && isset($_POST['user_to']) && isset($_POST['body'])) {

    $userLoggedIn = $_POST['userLoggedIn'];
    $body = $_POST['body'];
    $user_to = $_POST['user_to'];
    $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");

        $message_obj = new Message($con, $userLoggedIn);
        $message_obj->sendMessage($user_to, $body, $date);

I'm able to get this to work no problem using PHP with the below but I don't want the page to reload. 我可以使用下面的PHP使它正常工作,但我不希望页面重新加载。

if(isset($_POST['post_message'])) {

    if(isset($_POST['message_body'])) {
        $body = $_POST['message_body'];
        $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $message_obj->sendMessage($user_to, $body, $date);

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

If you want to submit a form but prevent reloading the page, you just need to return false from clicking submit button: 如果要提交表单但阻止重新加载页面,则只需单击提交按钮返回false即可:

$(document).ready(function() {

   //ajax request for send 'sending a new message' string to dB
    url: "includes/handlers/ajax_send_message.php",
    type: "POST",
    data: {'userLoggedIn':userLoggedIn, 'user_to':user_to, 'body':body},
    cache: true,
    success: function(response) {


    return false;


Note: If you want to totally prevent a form to be submitted, attach the event listener to the form submission not on clicking the button. 注意:如果要完全阻止提交表单,请在不单击按钮的情况下将事件侦听器附加到表单提交。 User may submit the form by pressing Enter or other unpredictable actions attached to the device keybord etc. 用户可以通过按Enter或附加在设备键盘上的其他不可预期的动作等方式提交表单。

  //Ajax code here
  return false;

I think the problem is that you don't prevent your form from submitting. 我认为问题在于您不会阻止表单提交。 You can do this by: e.preventDefault() in .submit(function(e){}) callback function 您可以通过以下方法执行此操作: e.preventDefault() .submit(function(e){})回调函数中的.submit(function(e){})

 $("#reg").submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <form id="reg"> <input type="text" name="name" value="Rick"> <input type="text" name="last_name" value="Astley"> <input type="submit"> <form> 

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