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[英]SQL divide 2 columns

I need to calculate population density in SQL. 我需要在SQL中计算人口密度。 I have a column with population and a column with area but I'm can't figure out how to execute it, I get a division by zero error. 我有一列人口,一列面积,但我不知道如何执行它,我得到除以零误差。

Here is what I tried: 这是我尝试过的:

select name, population, gdp, area, [population]/[area] as pop_density 
from country 
group by name 
order by gdp;

Why do you need group by ? 为什么需要group by
There is no need for grouping. 无需分组。
Even if you did need group by you couldn't select non aggregated columns like: 即使您确实需要group by ,也无法选择非聚合列,例如:
population, gdp, area . population, gdp, area
Just check for null or 0 for the column area : 只需检查null0的列area

  name, population, gdp, area, 
  case coalesce(area, 0) 
    when 0 then null 
    else population / area 
  end as pop_density 
from country 
order by gdp

Use nullif() : 使用nullif()

select name, population, gdp, area,
       population / nullif(area, 0) as pop_density
from country
order by gdp;

The group by doesn't seem necessary. group by似乎没有必要。

nullif() is a standard function that returns NULL when the two values passed in are equal. nullif()是一个标准函数,当传入的两个值相等时会返回NULL If your database does not support it, you can do the same thing with a case expression. 如果您的数据库不支持它,则可以使用case表达式执行相同的操作。

Just add in where clause as 只需在where clause as添加where clause as

       select name, population, gdp, area, 
      [population]/[area] as pop_density 
        from country where area
       NOT IN (NULL,0) group by name 
     order by gdp  

Or, You can handle your divisor area's value 0 via Case Statements... 或者,您可以通过Case Statements处理除数区域的值0。

  .......Case when Area IN (Null,0)
         then 0
select name, population, gdp, area, [population]/[area] as pop_density 
from country 
where area is not null and area is not 0
group by name 
order by gdp;

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