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Angular 5(及更多):带有 @ViewChild 的 HTMLElement

[英]Angular 5 (& more): HTMLElement with @ViewChild

I have to reference an htmlElement with a @ViewChild() , is there any way to this?我必须用@ViewChild()引用htmlElement ,有什么办法吗? I have to create an HTMLElement and then try to assign a reference to a viewChild or something similar.我必须创建一个 HTMLElement,然后尝试将引用分配给viewChild或类似的东西。 THank you for your attention.感谢您的关注。

It's not so simple. 这不是那么简单。 ViewChild should be used for: ViewChild应该用于:

  • any class with the Component or Directive decorator 任何带有Component或Directive装饰器的类

  • a template reference variable as a string (eg query with ViewChild('cmp')) 模板引用变量作为字符串(例如,使用ViewChild('cmp')查询)

  • any provider defined in the child component tree of the current component (eg ViewChild(SomeService) someService: SomeService) 当前组件的子组件树中定义的任何提供程序(例如ViewChild(SomeService)someService:SomeService)

  • any provider defined through a string token (eg ViewChild('someToken') someTokenVal: any) 通过字符串令牌定义的任何提供程序(例如ViewChild('someToken')someTokenVal:any)

  • a TemplateRef (eg query with ViewChild(TemplateRef) template;) TemplateRef(例如,使用ViewChild(TemplateRef)模板进行查询;)

In your case better to use last option: 在您的情况下,最好使用最后一个选项:

<input #testInput >


@ViewChild('testInput') input;

I came here looking for a way to get the HTMLElement from a ViewChild that's selecting a child component.我来这里是为了寻找一种从选择子组件的ViewChild中获取HTMLElement的方法。 I realize that this is not exactly what the question is about.我意识到这并不是问题的真正含义。 Still, it might be helpful.不过,它可能会有所帮助。

This can be achived using the read option inside the ViewChild.opts :这可以使用ViewChild.optsread选项来ViewChild.opts

<my-child-component #mySelector></my-child-component>
@ViewChild('mySelector', {read: ElementRef})
childElement: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;

doSomething() {
  const htmlElement = childElement.nativeElement;

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