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[英]Component re-renders wierdly on state change

My component with a simple MapBox gets re-rendered wierdly on every state change that has nothing to do with the component? 我的带有简单MapBox的组件会在与该组件无关的每个状态更改中被重新渲染。 Any idea how to prevent this? 任何想法如何防止这种情况?

It does not happen if I do not add the data prop to the second argument of useEffect , but I need this to re-render on an actual data change.. 如果我不将data useEffect添加到useEffect的第二个参数,则不会发生,但是我需要在实际数据更改时重新呈现它。

The map component: 地图组件:

const getMap = () => {
    return new mapboxgl.Map({
        container: 'mapContainer',
        style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
        center: [7.32, 60.44],
        zoom: 6,
const Map = (props) => {
  const { data } = props
  if (data['features'] != null) {
        useEffect(() => {
            const map = getMap();

            map.on('load', function () {

                map.addSource('malls', {
                    type: "geojson",
                    data: data,
                    cluster: true,
                    clusterMaxZoom: 14, 
                    clusterRadius: 50 

        }, [data]); //

  return (
        <div style={style} id="mapContainer" />

Hooks should always be called outside conditionals, as mentioned in the Rules of Hooks . 挂钩应始终被称为条件挂钩,如《挂钩规则》所述 You can move your hook to the top-level and move the conditional inside the hook. 您可以将钩子移到顶层,并在钩子内部移动条件钩子。

const Map = (props) => {
  const { data } = props
  useEffect(() => {
    if (data['features'] != null) {
      const map = getMap();
      map.on('load', function () {
        map.addSource('malls', {
          type: "geojson",
          data: data,
          cluster: true,
          clusterMaxZoom: 14, 
          clusterRadius: 50 
  }, [data]);

  return (
    <div style={style} id="mapContainer" />


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