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React / Redux无法读取未定义的属性“ currentOpportunities”

[英]React/Redux cannot read property “currentOpportunities” of undefined

I am having trouble with my Redux mapStateToProps function throwing an error saying that state.currentOpportunities is undefined. 我的Redux mapStateToProps函数遇到麻烦,抛出一个错误,指出state.currentOpportunities未定义。 The weird thing about this is that the initial State that is defined in the organizationReducer can only be reached under state._root.entries 1 .organization.currentOpportunity rather than by state.organization.currentOpportunity when I console.log I console.log state in the main index.js file 奇怪的是,只能在state._root.entries 1 .organization.currentOpportunity下访问,而不是在console.log时通过state.organization.currentOpportunity到达。主index.js文件

Console.log(States) Console.log(状态)

Main App.js file App.js主文件

const initialState = {}
const history = createHistory();
const store = configureStore(initialState, history);
const MOUNT_NODE = document.getElementById('app');

const render = messages => {
    <Provider store={store}>
      <LanguageProvider messages={messages}>
        <ConnectedRouter history={history}>
          <App />

organizationReducer.js OrganizationReducer.js

const initialState = {
    currentOpportunities: [],
    expiredOpportunities: []

export default function (state=initialState, action) {
    switch(action.type) {
            return {...state, data: action.payload}
            return{...state, currentOpportunities: action.payload}
            return{...state, expiredOpportunities: action.payload}
            return state

My root reducer file 我的根减速器文件

export default function createReducer(injectedReducers) {
  return combineReducers({
    organization: organizationReducer,

index.js file index.js文件

const mapStatetoProps = (state) => {
  return {
    currentOpportunities: state.organization.currentOpportunities,
    expiredOpportunities: state.organization.expiredOpportunities

export default connect(mapStatetoProps, actions)(OpportunitiesPage);

Does anyone know what might be happening here? 有人知道这里会发生什么吗?

state.organization.currentOpportunity is undefined because state is an immutable map and you try to access its field like it's an object. state.organization.currentOpportunity未定义,因为state是一个不变的映射,并且您尝试像访问对象一样访问其字段。 1 1个

You must update your reducer logic to use the immutable API where you merge objects eg 您必须更新reducer逻辑以使用合并对象的不可变API, 例如

        return state.merge({data: action.payload})

Or convert from Immutable data structures to mutable javascript object. 或从不可变数据结构转换为可变的javascript对象。 eg 例如

  stateObject = state.toJS()
  return {
      currentOpportunities: stateObject.organization.currentOpportunities,

Since it can lead to a bit of hassle tracking what the instance of an object in state, I suggest sticking with either Immutable data structures or mutable Javascript objects in your component state. 由于它可能会导致跟踪某个对象的实例处于状态的麻烦,因此建议您在组件状态下坚持使用不可变数据结构或可变Javascript对象。

Here is mapStateToProps using Immutable Map API. 这是使用不可变地图API的mapStateToProps。 2 2

  return {
      currentOpportunities: state.getIn(['organization', 'currentOpportunities'])

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