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[英]PHP Array to json formatting

I'm trying to get my PHP arrays to format in the way I need them to. 我正在尝试以我需要的方式格式化我的PHP数组。

Here's what the outcome is: 结果如下:

    "Ryan": {
      "id": "5c7c9ef16f667",
      "quantity": "1"
    "Paul": {
      "id": "5c7d888e14233",
      "quantity": "2"

Here's what my desired outcome is: 这是我期望的结果:

  "Ryan": {
    "id": "5c7c9ef16f667",
    "quantity": "as"
  "Paul": {
    "id": "5c7d888e14233",
    "quantity": "asd"

And here's my code: 这是我的代码:

$tools = array();
foreach ($tool_names as $key=>$value) {
    $item = Item::find_by_name($value);
    $tools[] = array($item['name'] => ["id" => $item['id'], "quantity" => $tool_quantities[$key]]);


Any ideas for how I can change my code to make my array work like that? 关于如何更改代码以使数组像这样工作的任何想法?

You need to mutate your main array rather than pushing new arrays into it: 您需要更改主数组,而不是将新数组推入主数组:

$tools = array();
foreach ($tool_names as $key=>$value) {
    $item = Item::find_by_name($value);
    $tools[$item['name']] = array("id" => $item['id'], "quantity" => $tool_quantities[$key]);


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