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[英]docker-machine with rsync

I want to use rsync within order to synchronize a folder. 我想使用rsync来同步文件夹。 docker-machine allows rsync with the -d option . docker-machine允许使用-d option进行rsync

docker-machine scp -r -d . machine-name:~

This command seems to be working, however, I would like to extend the use of rsync to: 这个命令似乎有效,但是,我想将rsync的使用扩展到:

rsync -rvz --delete --exclude-from=.rsyncignore -e 'docker-machine ssh machine-name' . :

I also tried the following command: 我也尝试了以下命令:

sshpass -p "tcuser" rsync -rvz --delete --exclude-from=.rsyncignore  . docker@`docker-machine ip machine-name`:

Both command synchronize everything a first time, however, once everything is synced, I cannot access the VM anymore. 两个命令都是第一次同步所有内容,但是,一旦所有内容同步,我就无法再访问VM了。 If I try to access the VM through docker-machine ssh machine-name i receive the response exit status 255 . 如果我尝试通过docker-machine ssh machine-name访问VM, docker-machine ssh machine-name收到响应exit status 255 What is happening? 怎么了?

You can find more about here 你可以在这里找到更多相关信息

1.-The Dockerfile 1.- Dockerfile

 FROM centos:6
    # install rsync
    RUN yum update -y
    RUN yum -y install rsync xinetd
    # configure rsync
    ADD ./rsyncd.conf /root/
    RUN sed -i 's/disable[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*yes/disable = no/g' /etc/xinetd.d/rsync # enable rsync
    RUN cp /root/rsyncd.conf /etc/rsyncd.conf
    RUN /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd start
    RUN chkconfig xinetd on
    # create the dir that will be synced
    RUN mkdir /home/share
    # just to keep the container running
    CMD /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd start && tail -f /dev/null

2.-Build the container within the repository directory. 2. - 在存储库目录中构建容器。

docker build . -t docker-rsync

3.-For start the container and map the rsync server port to a specific host port, like to 3.-启动容器并将rsync服务器端口映射到特定的主机端口,比如

docker run -p 10873:873 docker-rsync

4.-Now we need to sync our share directory and sync any changes again as soon as anything changes. 4.-现在我们需要同步我们的共享目录,并在任何更改后立即再次同步任何更改。 Rsync will only sync changes after an initial sync. Rsync仅在初始同步后同步更改。

# initial sync
rsync -avP ./share --delete rsync://localhost:10873/example/
# sync on change
fswatch -0 ./share | xargs -0 -n 1 -I {} rsync -avP ./share --delete rsync://localhost:10873/example/

UPGRADE: because docker machines change content and virtual disk need upgrade 升级:因为docker机器改变内容而虚拟磁盘需要升级

first command when changed files in docker containers : 在docker容器中更改文件时的第一个命令:

rsync --ignore-existing --sparse ...

second when docker machine create new files in containers sparse mode ,followed by: 第二,当docker机器在容器稀疏模式下创建新文件时,接着是:

 rsync --inplace ...

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