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[英]Default value in Select field

I am confused about why I am getting this specific malfunction, I am unable to get a default value for my select dropdown list. 我对为什么出现此特定故障感到困惑,无法为我的选择下拉列表获取默认值。 My goal is to have "Choose Board" as the default but despite many trials, I have been unable to get this as the default value. 我的目标是将“选择板”作为默认值,但是尽管进行了许多试验,但我仍无法将其作为默认值。

I have attempted a variety of solutions: AngularJS - Set default value on select inside a ng-repeat & How to have a default option in Angular.js select box 我尝试了多种解决方案: AngularJS-在ng-repeat内的select上设置默认值以及如何在Angular.js的选择框中设置默认选项

Without any luck. 没有任何运气。

My HTML Tags: 我的HTML标签:

<select name="boardInput" class="form-control" 
        ng-init="form.boardInput = boards[0]" 
        ng-options="board.name for board in boards">

My JS controller code 我的JS控制器代码

$scope.baseBoards =[{
        id: false,
        name: "Choose Board"
$scope.getBoards = function() {
        trello.getBoards('me', function(error, boards){
                log("Could Not Get Boards: ", error);
            } else {
                log("found " + boards.length + " boards");
                $scope.boards = $scope.baseBoards.concat(boards);

The result is a field being added and set as the default, in the above code the null field disappears after any of the others are selected. 结果是添加了一个字段并将其设置为默认字段,在上面的代码中,空字段在选择了其他任何字段后消失。

any help is much appreciated. 任何帮助深表感谢。

Try 尝试

<select name="boardInput" class="form-control" 
        ng-options="board.name for board in boards">

and in your Controller 并在您的控制器中

$scope.form.boardInput = "Choose Board"

If it works then you can replace the text with your desired variable such as $scope.baseBoards[0].name . 如果$scope.baseBoards[0].name则可以将文本替换为所需的变量,例如$scope.baseBoards[0].name

Please check this updated answer. 请检查此更新的答案。 For now your trello.getBoards I have commented, once you add it in your code, uncomment it and comment var boards this variable. 现在,我已经评论了您的trello.getBoards ,一旦将其添加到代码中,请取消注释并在var boards注释此变量。

 var app = angular.module('app', []); app.controller('myController', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.boards = []; $scope.baseBoards = [{ id: false, name: "Choose Board" }]; $scope.getBoards = function() { /* trello.getBoards('me', function(error, boards) { if (error) { log("Could Not Get Boards: ", error); } else { log("found " + boards.length + " boards"); $scope.boards = $scope.baseBoards.concat(boards); } }); */ //You will get boards data from your trello.getBoards method but I dont have access it so declaring local variable. var boards = [{ name: 'one' }, { name: 'two' }, { name: 'three' }] $scope.boards = $scope.baseBoards.concat(boards); }; }]); 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.7.5/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app='app' ng-controller='myController' ng-init="getBoards()"> <select name="boardInput" class="form-control" ng-required="true" ng-init="form.boardInput = boards[0]" ng-model="form.boardInput" ng-options="board.name for board in boards"> </select> </div> 

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