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通过 virtualenv 在 Mac 上安装旧版本的 Python

[英]Install older Version of Python on Mac via virtualenv

I need to install a certain package, for which the developers suggest Python 3.5 , since they don't support 3.7 yet.我需要安装某个包,开发人员建议使用Python 3.5 ,因为他们还不支持3.7 I am running Mac OS Mojave 10.14.2 and my Python version is 3.7.1 .我正在运行Mac OS Mojave 10.14.2并且我的 Python 版本是3.7.1

I have come across methods to switch between Python 2.x and 3.x using Virtualenv , such as below:我遇到过使用VirtualenvPython 2.x3.x之间切换的方法,如下所示:

virtualenv -p python2 myenv

virtualenv -p python3 myenv

However, is it even possible to have a specific version of Python, that too one older than I have already installed on my system?但是,甚至可能有一个特定版本的 Python,比我已经安装在我的系统上的版本还要老吗?

Yes, it is possible to have multiple versions of Python installed on OSX.是的,可以在 OSX 上安装多个版本的 Python。 Each one installs to a different path.每个安装到不同的路径。 You can't have multiple 'python3' executables in your path -- but if you use the absolute path then it'll work out fine.你的路径中不能有多个“python3”可执行文件——但如果你使用绝对路径,那么它会很好地工作。

You can go download the OSX version of Python 3.5 (which will install itself as python3.5 somewhere), and then create a virtualenv via您可以下载 OSX 版本的 Python 3.5(它将在某处安装为 python3.5),然后通过创建一个 virtualenv

virtualenv -p /absolute/path/to/python3.5 myenv

you can use您可以使用

python -m virtualenv <env_name> --python=<full-path-to-python-exectuable-file-and-exe-file>

here <full-path-to-python-exectuable-file-and-exe-file> add python3.5 which you have downloaded这里<full-path-to-python-exectuable-file-and-exe-file>添加你下载的 python3.5

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