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Office 365 上的 CSV 文件

[英]CSV files on Office 365

I have MS Office 365 apps installed on my Apple Mac - Word, Powerpoint, Excel etc.我的 Apple Mac 上安装了 MS Office 365 应用程序 - Word、Powerpoint、Excel 等。

One problem I seem to face is that every time I open a CSV file, excel seems to open it as a normal spreadsheet rather than what I expect to see.我似乎面临的一个问题是,每次打开 CSV 文件时,excel 似乎都将其作为普通电子表格打开,而不是我希望看到的内容。

Example of a CSV File I expect to see:我希望看到的 CSV 文件示例:

我希望看到的 CSV 文件示例:

Example of a normal spreadsheet that my excel seems to open:我的 excel 似乎打开的普通电子表格示例:


Is there a way to default Excel to open csv files as csv?有没有办法默认 Excel 以 csv 格式打开 csv 文件?

From my understanding, this is related to Excel having the default separator set for csv.据我了解,这与 Excel 为 csv 设置了默认分隔符有关。 I don't use MAC, so can't test this, but the information here seems relevant to you:我不使用 MAC,因此无法对此进行测试,但此处的信息似乎与您相关:

https://superuser.com/questions/606272/how-to-get-excel-to-interpret-the-comma-as-a-default-delimiter-in-csv-files https://superuser.com/questions/606272/how-to-get-excel-to-interpret-the-comma-as-a-default-delimiter-in-csv-files

Specifically in the accepted answer, it says特别是在接受的答案中,它说

On Mac OS X, this setting seems to be deduced from the decimal separator setting (in the Language & Region pane of System Preferences, go to Advanced).在 Mac OS X 上,此设置似乎是从小数点分隔符设置中推导出来的(在“系统偏好设置”的“语言与区域”面板中,转到“高级”)。 If the Decimal Separator is a point then the default CSV separator will be a comma, but if the Decimal Separator is a comma, then the default CSV separator will be a semicolon.如果十进制分隔符是一个点,那么默认的 CSV 分隔符将是一个逗号,但如果十进制分隔符是一个逗号,那么默认的 CSV 分隔符将是一个分号。

If you can take away Excel's knowledge of the default csv separator (which they suggest is derived from the MAC setting described above), then it will no longer be able to automatically convert it to columns against your wishes.如果您可以消除 Excel 对默认 csv 分隔符的了解(他们建议从上述 MAC 设置派生),那么它将不再能够根据您的意愿自动将其转换为列。

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