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[英]Store widget object state to an ipython kernel object instance rather than the object class

Following the stateful widget tutorial , we can create a simple DOM widget. 遵循有状态的小部件教程之后 ,我们可以创建一个简单的DOM小部件。 Here is the python code: 这是python代码:

import ipywidgets.widgets as widgets
from traitlets import Unicode

class HelloWidget(widgets.DOMWidget):
    _view_name = Unicode('HelloView').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode('hello').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module_version = Unicode('0.1.0').tag(sync=True)
    value = Unicode('Hello World!').tag(sync=True)

And the javascript code: 和javascript代码:


define('hello', ["@jupyter-widgets/base"], function(widgets) {

    var HelloView = widgets.DOMWidgetView.extend({

        render: function() {
            this.el.textContent = this.model.get('value');

    return {
        HelloView : HelloView

This works as advertised in the notebook: 可以在笔记本上做广告:

In [1]: HelloWidget()
Out [1]: Hello World!

Now, if I want to store the widget value state to the object instance, I can change the python code so it looks like the following: 现在,如果我想将小部件的value状态存储到对象实例,则可以更改python代码,使其如下所示:

import ipywidgets.widgets as widgets
from traitlets import Unicode

class HelloWidget(widgets.DOMWidget):
    _view_name = Unicode('HelloView').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode('hello').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module_version = Unicode('0.1.0').tag(sync=True)
    def __init__(self, s):
        self.value = Unicode(s).tag(sync=True)

However, this does not work; 但是,这不起作用。 the state is not rendered to the output cell as expected (no output): 状态未按预期呈现给输出单元(无输出):

In [1]: HelloWidget("Hello World!")
Out [1]: 

How can this be done? 如何才能做到这一点?

I figured this out (and feel a bit dumb). 我发现了这一点(感觉有点傻)。

The trailets.Unicode object is a descriptor, so it has to be attached to the class object, HelloWidget . trailets.Unicode对象是一个描述符,因此必须将其附加到类对象HelloWidget So the correct code is as follows: 因此正确的代码如下:

import ipywidgets.widgets as widgets
from traitlets import Unicode

class HelloWidget(widgets.DOMWidget):
    _view_name = Unicode('HelloView').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode('hello').tag(sync=True)
    _view_module_version = Unicode('0.1.0').tag(sync=True)
    value = Unicode().tag(sync=True) # value is set to an empty string as placeholder

    def __init__(self, s):
        self.value = s # initialize with a value here

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