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[英]maven - Plugin configuration not covered by lifecyle

I am developing a binding for the smart home platform openHAB. 我正在为智能家居平台openHAB开发绑定。 As mentioned in the docs, I forked the main project and created a new branch and imported the new related project (see picture of my IDE below, the project with the "X"). 如文档中所述,我分叉了主项目并创建了一个新分支,并导入了新的相关项目(请参见下面我的IDE的图片,该项目带有“ X”)。

I was surprised that my new project was creating some errors, which seem to be related to maven. 令我惊讶的是我的新项目正在创建一些错误,这些错误似乎与Maven有关。 I have no idea where to look to solve this issue. 我不知道在哪里可以解决这个问题。


UPDATE: due to some advice I used my systems maven version and the logs are telling me, that this is probably the main problem: 更新:由于一些建议,我使用了我的系统maven版本,日志告诉我,这可能是主要问题:

[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1] org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException: Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs: [错误]构建无法读取1个项目-> [帮助1] org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException:处理POM时遇到了一些问题:

[ERROR] 'modules.module[181]' specifies duplicate child module org.openhab.binding.cus @ org.openhab.binding:pom:[unknown-version], E:\\joba\\workspace-openhab\\OpenHabAddonDev\\openhab-master\\git\\openhab2-addons\\addons\\binding\\pom.xml, line 201, column 13 at org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuilder.build (DefaultProjectBuilder.java:383) at org.apache.maven.graph.DefaultGraphBuilder.collectProjects (DefaultGraphBuilder.java:414) [错误]'modules.module [181]'指定重复的子模块org.openhab.binding.cus @ org.openhab.binding:pom:[未知版本],E:\\ joba \\ workspace-openhab \\ OpenHabAddonDev \\ openhab- master \\ git \\ openhab2-addons \\ addons \\ binding \\ pom.xml,第201行,org.apache.maven.project.DefaultProjectBuilder.build(DefaultProjectBuilder.java:383)的第13列(org.apache.maven.graph.DefaultGraphBuilder) .collectProjects(DefaultGraphBuilder.java:414)

These are issues related to m2e (The Maven plugin in Eclipse). 这些是与m2e(Eclipse中的Maven插件)有关的问题。 It tries to mimick Maven which does not work for not-so-standard Maven plugins. 它试图模仿Maven,它不适用于非标准的Maven插件。 Usually, you can repair this by setting the policy to "ignore". 通常,您可以通过将策略设置为“忽略”来修复此问题。

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