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[英]How insert one-to-one, one-to-many relationship using nodejs with mongoDB

I have two collections in my database those are following我的数据库中有两个集合,它们如下

  1. student学生
  2. course课程

I want to insert data's like one-to-one , one-to-many relationship.我想插入数据就像one-to-oneone-to-many关系。


Am sent following data's in my form-data在我的form-data发送以下form-data

  1. name姓名
  2. email电子邮件
  3. phone电话
  4. password密码
  5. course_name课程名
  6. course_cost course_cost

The above data's name , email , phone , password stored in student table.以上数据的nameemailphonepassword存储在学生表中。

And course_name , course_cost stored to course table with student_id .course_namecourse_cost存储到带有student_id课程表中。

This is my code:这是我的代码:


const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const config = require('../config/database');

const router = express.Router();

let Student = require('../models/student_model');

router.post('/add_student', function(req, res){
    let data = new Student();
    data.name = req.body.name;
    data.email = req.body.email;
    data.phone = req.body.phone;
    data.password = req.body.password;

    data.save(function(err, data){
        if(err) throw err;


module.exports = router;


const mongoose = require('mongoose');

let StudentSchema =  mongoose.Schema({
        type: String
        type: String
        type: String
        type: String

    }, { collection: 'student' });

const Student = module.exports = mongoose.model('Student', StudentSchema);

This is my API call:这是我的 API 调用: 在此处输入图片说明

My above code am done store student data stored in student table, but i don't know how to add one-to-one relationship我上面的代码是存储在完成结束学生数据student表,但我不知道如何添加一个一对一的关系

I think first you need to redesign the schema.我认为首先您需要重新设计架构。 Considering you have two different collections for student and course, you need a reference of course in student and student reference in course collection.考虑到您有两个不同的学生和课程集合,您需要学生中的课程参考和课程集合中的学生参考。 This will help you to execute following kind of queries.这将帮助您执行以下类型的查询。

  1. Get list of courses for student x.获取学生 x 的课程列表。
  2. Get a list of students who have enrolled for course ABC.获取已注册课程 ABC 的学生列表。 Add courses array in student schema and students array in courses schema.在学生模式中添加课程数组,在课程模式中添加学生数组。 Check this out.看看这个

In your route you request name, email, phone, password.在您的路线中,您要求姓名、电子邮件、电话、密码。 Then you try insert course_name, course_cost.然后你尝试插入 course_name, course_cost。 You need to insert student_id in course collection您需要在课程集合中插入 student_id

This is an old question, however, i believe many people may be looking for a solution to this similar schema relation design.这是一个老问题,但是,我相信很多人可能正在寻找这种类似模式关系设计的解决方案。 You need to declare a One to Many schema relation in your Model.您需要在模型中声明一对多模式关系。

const StudentSchema = new Schema({
    name: String,
    email: String,
    phone: String,
    password: String,
    course: [courseSchema] //this will be the relationship
const CourseSchema = new Schema({
    course_name: String, 
    course_cost: String

const Student = mongoose.model('student', StudentSchema)

module.export = Student;

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