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ZAP WebSocket扫描

[英]ZAP websocket scanning

I have a java application, that only communicates via websocket on port 1234. I'd like to use ZAP for some fuzz testing. 我有一个Java应用程序,仅通过端口1234上的websocket通信。我想使用ZAP进行一些模糊测试。 The thing is I can't make OWASP ZAP to see my application. 问题是我无法使OWASP ZAP看到我的应用程序。 If I want to add it as a site, it won't let me because I can add only http sites. 如果我想将其添加为网站,则不会允许我,因为我只能添加http网站。 I can't scan "ws://". 我无法扫描“ ws://”。 How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点? I checked the ZAP Wiki, and blogs about adding "websocket sites", but they all added it via http, but I can't do that. 我检查了ZAP Wiki,以及有关添加“ websocket网站”的博客,但是他们都通过http添加了它,但我不能这样做。 I tried a few other tools as well, none seems to work. 我也尝试了其他一些工具,但似乎没有一个起作用。

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

We've got some changes in the pipeline that might make this easier. 我们在管道中进行了一些更改,这些更改可能会使此操作更加容易。 I'll aim to get back to you asap. 我将尽快与您联系。

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