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[英]Having problem in building the solution for plugin for crm dynamics

I am trying to build a crm plugin solution.The solution has ILMerge therefore ive installed ILMerge using the nuget package but I am getting this build error in visual studio 2017. 我正在尝试构建一个crm插件解决方案,该解决方案具有ILMerge,因此我使用nuget软件包安装了ILMerge,但我在Visual Studio 2017中遇到此构建错误。

Unresolved assembly reference not allowed: log4net. at line 242 

but at line 242 shown below there is no log4net code just this in my .csproj file 但是在下面显示的第242行,在我的.csproj文件中仅此没有log4net代码

<Task InputAssemblies="@(MergeAsm)" OutputFile="$(MergedAssembly)" TargetKind="SameAsPrimaryAssembly" KeyFile="$(KeyOriginatorFile)" Internalize="false" DebugInfo="true" />

So how can I fix this issue. 那么我该如何解决此问题。

Well the problem was that the ddl files that i was trying to merge were also merged from other dll files. 很好的问题是,我尝试合并的DDL文件也从其他DLL文件中合并了。 Therefore by adding the log4net in the reference in the solution solved the problem. 因此,通过在解决方案的参考中添加log4net可以解决该问题。

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