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[英]Convert a tuple to a list in a dictionary

I have a GeoJSON output in the form of: 我有以下形式的GeoJSON输出:

{'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (0.00027777777777777827, 22.000138888888873)}

How can I convert the value of 'coordinates' from a tuple to a list while keeping 'type' as is? 如何在保持“类型”不变的情况下将“坐标”的值从元组转换为列表?

I've tried using {k: [list(ti) for ti in v] for k, v in geom.items()} as given here where geom = geometry.mapping(geometry.Point(x, y)) but it doesn't help. 我已经尝试使用{k: [list(ti) for ti in v] for k, v in geom.items()}给出这里其中geom = geometry.mapping(geometry.Point(x, y))但它没有帮助。

I see an error that says 'Float object is not iterable' 我看到一条错误消息:“浮动对象不可迭代”

I'm using the shapely library 我正在使用匀称的图书馆

You can only change the 'coordinates' key as a list: 您只能将'coordinates'键更改为列表:

geom['coordinates'] = list(geom['coordinates'])


{'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [0.00027777777777777827, 22.000138888888873]}

You can convert directly as follows: 您可以直接进行如下转换:

a['coordinates'] = list(a['coordinates'])

where a is your dict. 其中a是你的字典。

Very simple way, testing it via Python console: 很简单的方法,通过Python控制台进行测试:

>>> d = {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (0.00027777777777777827, 22.000138888888873)}
>>> type(d)
<class 'dict'>
>>> d['coordinates']
(0.00027777777777777827, 22.000138888888873)
>>> type(d['coordinates'])
<class 'tuple'>
>>> list(d['coordinates'])
[0.00027777777777777827, 22.000138888888873]

Finally, you only overwrite the contents of the dictionary: 最后,您只覆盖字典的内容:

>>> d['coordinates'] = list(d['coordinates'])

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