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[英]How to get future tense for a verb with udpipe

I have a large number of medical reports. 我有很多医疗报告。 I am trying to determine sentences that show a future action will be taken eg 'I will prescribe a medication' 我试图确定表明将来会采取行动的句子,例如'I will prescribe a medication'

I am using english-ewt model from udpipe and I have also tried english-gum but neither give me a future tense of the verb- just Tense Past/Pres 我使用的是udpipe的English-ewt模型,我也尝试过English-gum,但都没有给我这个动词的未来时态-Just Tense Past / Pres

How get I determine a future sentence as the one above with udpipe (I am using this specifically as I have trouble installing rjava which openNLP and NLP require). 如何得到我确定未来的句子如上面的一个udpipe (我特别用这个,因为我有麻烦安装rjavaopenNLPNLP要求)。 If there is no future tense form of a verb given via udpipe are there other ways I can determine what I want using the POS tags etc that udpipe outputs? 如果没有将来通过udpipe给出的动词的时态形式,还有其他方法可以使用udpipe输出的POS标签等来确定我想要的内容吗?

I think this is a duplicate to question answered at determine the temporality of a sentence with POS tagging Let's clarify this further. 我认为这与在使用POS标签确定句子的时态性时所回答的问题是重复的。让我们进一步阐明这一点。

The verb will is a modal auxiliary , and it does not have a tense. 动词will是情modal auxiliary ,没有时态。 English has 2 morphological tenses ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_tense#English ), the present and the past. 英语有2种形态时态( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_tense#English ),现在和过去。 There is no future Tense. 没有未来时态。 In general, the tense concept is about the sentence, not about the individual words. 通常,时态概念与句子有关,而不与单个单词有关。 Future tense is formed by some conventions: eg a modal will/shall followed by an infinitive verb. 将来时是由一些约定构成的:例如,将/将要跟一个模态动词。

Summary: so you will need to combine POS tags with words themselves. 简介:因此,您需要将POS标签与单词本身结合在一起。 So look to verbs where the dependency parsing output of udpipe links to an AUX term. 因此,请看动词,其中udpipe的依赖项解析输出链接到AUX术语。

x <- udpipe('I will prescribe medication in the future', "english")
x[, c("token", "token_id", "upos", "xpos", "feats", "head_token_id", "dep_rel")]
      token token_id upos xpos                                      feats head_token_id dep_rel
          I        1 PRON  PRP Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs             3   nsubj
       will        2  AUX   MD                               VerbForm=Fin             3     aux
  prescribe        3 VERB   VB                               VerbForm=Inf             0    root
 medication        4 NOUN   NN                                Number=Sing             3     obj
         in        5  ADP   IN                                       <NA>             7    case
        the        6  DET   DT                  Definite=Def|PronType=Art             7     det
     future        7 NOUN   NN                                Number=Sing             3     obl

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