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[英]How to set argments after heredoc in Bash

I'd like to modify the following script to 我想将以下脚本修改为

tmp=$(cat <<'EOT'
ssh user@sv7247.xserver.jp
expecto "${tmp}" "${PASSWORD}"

like following script because just I want to make short the script. 之所以喜欢下面的脚本,是因为我想简化该脚本。

expecto "$(cat <<'EOT' "${PASSWORD}"
ssh user@sv7247.xserver.jp

However the shorted script not work. 但是,短脚本无法正常工作。 It is seems to caused by the second argment "${PASSWORD}" is not recognized. 似乎是由于第二个参数"${PASSWORD}"未被识别引起的。

How is the corrent way to do that thing? 如何做这件事的正确方式?

You would write: 你会这样写:

expecto "$(cat <<'EOT'
ssh user@sv7247.xserver.jp
)" "${PASSWORD}"

Your readability is really suffering there. 您的可读性确实在那儿受苦。 I would think twice about cramming that all together. 我会三思而后行地挤在一起。

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