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如何在 Quarkus 中为我的 RESTEasy 资源设置基本路径?

[英]How can I set the base path for my RESTEasy resources in Quarkus?

I would like to set the base path under which all my RESTEasy resources would fall, without having to include a class that extends javax.ws.rs.core.Application .我想设置我的所有 RESTEasy 资源将落入的基本路径,而不必包含扩展javax.ws.rs.core.Application的类。

Basically I would like to get rid of:基本上我想摆脱:

import javax.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Application;

public class MyApplication extends Application {


How can I achieve that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

Quarkus allows the base path to be configured in application.properties (see here ). Quarkus 允许在application.properties中配置基本路径(参见此处)。

So simply replace the class above with the following in application.properties :因此,只需将上面的类替换为application.properties中的以下内容:



When using RESTEasy Reactive, as pointed out by https://stackoverflow.com/a/72426133/2504224 , one needs to use:正如https://stackoverflow.com/a/72426133/2504224所指出的,使用 RESTEasy Reactive 时,需要使用:


The accepted answer works for quarkus resteasy classic.接受的答案适用于 quarkus resteasy classic。

If you are using quarkus-resteasy-reactive you will need to set:如果您使用的是quarkus-resteasy-reactive ,则需要设置:


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