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[英]scheduling an informatica workflow with a customized frequency

Hello Dear Informatica admin/platform experts, 您好亲爱的Informatica管理员/平台专家,

I have a workflow that i need to scheduled say Monday-Friday and Sunday. 我的工作流程需要安排在周一至周五和周日。 All the 6 days the job should at a specific time say 10 times in a day, but the timing is not uniform but at a predefined time say(9 AM, 11 AM, 1:30 PM etc), so the difference in the timing is not uniform. 整个工作的6天应该在特定时间说一天10次,但是时间安排不是统一的,而是在预定义的时间说(上午9点,上午11点,下午1:30等),因此时间上的差异不统一。 so we had 10 different scheduling workflows for each schedule/run that triggers a shell script that uses pmcmd command. 因此,对于每个计划/运行,我们都有10个不同的计划工作流,这些工作流触发使用pmcmd命令的shell脚本。

It looked a bit weird for me, so what i did was, have a single workflow that triggers the pmcmd shell script, and have a link between the start and the shell script where i specified a condition of the time and scheduled it to run monday-friday and sunday every 30 minutes. 对于我来说,这看起来有点怪异,所以我所做的是,有一个触发pmcmd shell脚本的工作流程,并且在start和shell脚本之间建立了链接,在该链接中我指定了时间条件并将其计划为星期一运行-周五和周日每30分钟一班。

So what happens is, it runs 48 times in a day but actually triggers the "actual" workflow only 10 times. 因此,发生的事情是,它一天运行48次,但实际上仅触发10次“实际”工作流。 and the remaining 38 times it just runs but does nothing. 剩下的38次它只运行但什么也不做。

one of my informatica admin colleague says that running this 38 times(which does actually nothing) consumes informatica resources. 我的一位informatica管理员同事说,运行38次(实际上不执行任何操作)会消耗informatica资源。 Though i was quite sure it does not, but as i am just an informatica developer and not an expert, thought of posting it here, to check whether it is really true? 尽管我非常确定不是这样,但是由于我只是一个Informatica开发人员,而不是专家,因此想到将其发布在此处,以检查它是否真的正确吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Regards Raghav 问候拉加夫

Well... it does consume some resources. 好吧...它确实消耗了一些资源。 Each time workflow starts, it does quite a few operations on the Repository. 每次启动工作流程时,它都会在存储库上执行很多操作。 It also allocates some memory on Integration Service as well as creates log file for the Workflow. 它还在Integration Service上分配一些内存,并为工作流创建日志文件。 Even if there are no sessions executed at all. 即使根本没有执行任何会话。

So, there is an impact. 因此,会产生影响。 Multiply that by the number of workflows, times the number of executions - and there might be a problem. 将其乘以工作流数量,再乘以执行数量-可能会有问题。

Not to mention there are some limitations regarding the number of Workflow being executed at the same time. 更不用说同时执行的工作流数量有一些限制。

I don't know your platform and setup. 我不知道您的平台和设置。 But this look like a field for improvement indeed. 但这确实是一个需要改进的领域。 A cron scheduler should help you a lot. cron计划程序应该对您有很大帮助。

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