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python twitter api每秒返回不一致的推文数量

[英]python twitter api returns inconsistent number of tweets each second

I'm trying to write my own twitter-fetch api, based on the python-twitter library.我正在尝试基于python-twitter库编写我自己的 twitter-fetch api。 The goal is to fetch the last 5 tweets of Donald Trump.目标是获取唐纳德特朗普的最后 5 条推文。 I'm getting a different number of tweets every other second or so.我每隔一秒左右就会收到不同数量的推文。 Sometimes it's 5 tweets, sometimes it's only 1.有时是 5 条推文,有时只有 1 条。

import twitter

api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=config["credentials"]["key"],

tweets = api.GetUserTimeline(

print("number of tweets: {}".format(len(tweets)))

Has anyone noticed this before with the twitter REST api using another language/package?有没有人在使用另一种语言/包的 twitter REST api 之前注意到这一点?

Has anyone noticed this before with the python-twitter package that I'm using?有没有人在我使用的python-twitter包之前注意到这一点?

This is normal behavior.这是正常行为。 See count in this doc: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-statuses-user_timeline.html请参阅此文档中的counthttps : //developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-statuses-user_timeline.html

count specifies a max limit rather than a promise to deliver a specified number of tweets. count指定最大限制而不是承诺提供指定数量的推文。 From the 5 tweets that you request, Twitter may cull some for lack of relevance, etc.从您请求的 5 条推文中,Twitter 可能会因缺乏相关性等原因剔除一些。

For your scenario, simply request many more tweets than 5 (ex. 100) and use only the first 5.对于您的场景,只需请求比 5 条(例如 100 条)多得多的推文,并仅使用前 5 条。

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