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无法在Swift 4 iOS中将正确的Firebase图片保存在文档目录中

[英]Can not get proper firebase image save in document directory in swift 4 iOS

i'm saving firebase image in document directory !! 我将Firebase图片保存在文档目录中! For uniqueness my Document Directory name is firebase image name ! 为了唯一起见,我的文档目录名称是firebase图像名称! i have check with a condition that if firebase image name is not exists in my document directory then save that image in Document Directory !! 我有一个条件检查,如果我的文档目录中不存在Firebase图像名称,则将该图像保存在文档目录中!

  • i'm checking if that firebase name means it save in document directory then it get document directory image if not then it get image from Firebase !! 我正在检查该Firebase名称是否意味着它保存在文档目录中,然后获取文档目录图像(如果没有),然后从Firebase获取图像!

Issue is when i try to get image :- (1) For example :- Firebase Image name is 1.jpg . 问题是当我尝试获取图像时:-(1)例如:-Firebase图像名称为1.jpg。 (2) Document Directory save image with firebase name like 1.jpg . (2)文档目录以Firebase名称保存图像,如1.jpg。 (3) now i change firebase image to other but it save with name 1.jpg . (3)现在我将firebase图像更改为其他图像,但其名称为1.jpg。 (4) when i try to get image because already 1.jpg is in Document Directory that's why it not return me updated image it show me previous 1.jpg image !! (4)当我尝试获取图像,因为文档目录中已经有1.jpg图像时,这就是为什么它不返回我更新的图像,而是显示以前的1.jpg图像的原因!
how can i solved this issue. 我该如何解决这个问题。 Thank You 谢谢

Save And Get Image Code :- 保存并获取图像代码:-

 func saveImageDocumentDirectory(imageName: String){
        let documentPath = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
        let imgURL = documentPath.appendingPathComponent(imageName, isDirectory: true)
        if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: imgURL.path){
            let image = UIImage(named: imgURL.path)
            try image?.pngData()?.write(to: imgURL)
            }catch let err{
                print("error in save:\(err.localizedDescription)")

    func getDocumentImage(imageName: String, firebaseImgURL: URL, imgView:UIImageView){
        let documentPath = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
        let imgURL = documentPath.appendingPathComponent(imageName, isDirectory: true)
        let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: imgURL.path)
        if image != nil{
            imgView.image = image
            imgView.kf.setImage(with: firebaseImgURL)

Please try with like below code 请尝试使用类似下面的代码

 Save Data

 let placeholderURL: URL =
 isDirectory: true)
 let fileExists: Bool = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: placeholderURL.path )

         if !fileExists {

             let thumbnailImageURL = URL(string: firebaseURL)
             var placeholderData: Data? = nil
             if let url = url {
                 do {

                    placeholderData = try Data(contentsOf: (thumbnailImageURL ?? nil)!)
                 } catch {
                     print("Unable to load data: \(error)")
             if urlData != nil {
                 do {
                     //saving is done on main thread
                     try placeholderData?.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: placeholderURL.path) , options: .atomic)
                 } catch {


Retrive image 检索图像

    let thumbnailURL: URL = getDocumentDirectoryPath()!.appendingPathComponent("\("imageName.JPG")/", isDirectory: true)

    let fileExists: Bool = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: thumbnailURL.path)

    var urlThumbnail:URL? = nil
    if fileExists {

        urlThumbnail = URL(fileURLWithPath: thumbnailURL.path)
    } else {

        urlThumbnail = URL(string: firebaseURL)

Sat image in image view 图像视图中的卫星图像

self.imgtemp.sd_setImage(with: urlThumbnail, placeholderImage: UIImage(named: "placeholder.png"))

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