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[英]How to concatenete strings after str_split

Given this data frame 鉴于此数据框架

column_1     column_2
A            w,x
B            z 
C            q,r,s

My desired output would be 我想要的输出是

"Aw", "Ax", "Bz", "Cq", "Cr", "Cs"

I've tried 我试过了

paste0(df$column_1, strsplit(df$column_2, ","))

But the output is 但输出是

"Ac(\"w\", \"x\")"  "Bz"  "Cc(\"q\", \"r\", \"s\")"

We can split column_2 on "," and paste them with column_1 using mapply 我们可以在“,”上拆分column_2 ,然后使用column_1mapply粘贴到mapply

unlist(mapply(paste0, df$column_1,strsplit(df$column_2, ",")))
#[1] "Aw" "Ax" "Bz" "Cq" "Cr" "Cs"

We can rep licate the 'column_1' by the lengths of list output from strsplit and then do the paste 我们可以rep licate的“COLUMN_1”由lengthslist ,从输出strsplit然后做paste

 lst1 <- strsplit(df$column_2, ",")
 paste0(rep(df$column_1, lengths(lst1)), unlist(lst1))
 #[1] "Aw" "Ax" "Bz" "Cq" "Cr" "Cs"

NOTE: The above is a vectorized approach as we are not looping through the list 注意:上面是一个矢量化方法,因为我们没有循环遍历list

Or use stack to create a two column data.frame from list and then paste 或者使用stacklist创建两列data.frame,然后paste

 do.call(paste0, stack(setNames(lst1, df$column_1))[2:1])
 #[1] "Aw" "Ax" "Bz" "Cq" "Cr" "Cs"

stack ing to a two column data.frame approach may be a bit less efficient compared to the first approach 与第一种方法相比, stack到两列data.frame方法可能效率稍低

Or with tidyverse , split the 'column_2' to long format with separate_rows , then unite the two columns and pull it to vector 或者与tidyverse ,分拆'COLUMN_2为长格式separate_rows ,然后unite的两列pullvector

df %>% 
    separate_rows(column_2) %>%
    unite(newcol, column_1, column_2, sep="") %>%
#[1] "Aw" "Ax" "Bz" "Cq" "Cr" "Cs"

The issue in the OP's approach is based on the fact that the strsplit output is a list of vector s. OP的方法中的问题是基于strsplit输出是vector list的事实。 We need a function to loop over the list ( lapply/sapply/vapply ) or unlist the list into a vector while replicating the 'column_1' (to make the length during paste ing) 我们需要一个函数循环遍历listlapply/sapply/vapply )或将list unlist list转换为vector同时replicating the 'column_1'(在paste过程中制作length

data 数据

df <- structure(list(column_1 = c("A", "B", "C"), column_2 = c("w,x", 
 "z", "q,r,s")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))

This can also be achieved using below code. 这也可以使用下面的代码来实现。 Although not very idiomatic 虽然不是很惯用

df <- data.frame(column_1 = c("A", "B", "C"), column_2 = c("w,x", "z", "q,r,s"))
l_vals <- strsplit(as.character(df$column_2), split = ",", perl =TRUE)
l_append = list()
for(i in seq_along(l_vals)){
  l_append <- c(l_append,paste0(df$column_1[i], l_vals[[i]]))


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