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[英]Get Data from API response and show in table

I am trying to create a table which displays updates in intervals by using ajax calls to get the data from the server. 我正在尝试创建一个表,该表通过使用ajax调用从服务器获取数据来定期显示更新。

I am trying to get the data from my server and update my table view with the new data. 我正在尝试从服务器中获取数据,并使用新数据更新表视图。

this is my Javascript function. 这是我的Javascript函数。

function updateSlaveTable() {

  fetch('{{route(' pusher ')}}', {
        method: 'post',
        mode: 'cors',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json', // sent request
          'Accept': 'application/json' // expected data sent back
        body: JSON.stringify({
          "mac": "{{$slaves['mac']}}"
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then(function(res) {
      //setInterval(updateSlaveTable, 1000)

      $.getJSON("res.json", function(slaves) {
        var slave_data = '';
        $.each(res.slave_id, function(key, value) {
          // if(value.type == "door_sensor")
          slave_data += '<tr>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.name + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.slave_id + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.type + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.status + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.value + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.mode + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.name1 + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.name2 + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.name3 + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.name4 + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.s1 + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.s2 + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.s3 + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.s4 + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.voltage + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.temp + '</td>';
          slave_data += '<td>' + value.hum + '</td>';
          slave_data += '</tr>';
          // }     

.catch(function(error) {
  // alert(error);
  // setInterval(updateSlaveTable, 1000); // <-- there was a network problem, 
  //     but still, program the next one!



I get the data correctly to the function. 我正确地将数据获取到该函数。 The Response is below 回应如下

    {"value":"in value same","status":"in status same","volt":"in volt same"},
    {"value":"in value same","status":"in status same","volt":"in volt same"},
    {"status":"in status same","temp":"in temp same","hum":"in humidity same","volt":"in volt same"},
    {"status":"in status same","volt":"in volt same"},
    {"status":"in status same","s1":"in s1 same","s2":"in s2 same","s3":"in s3 same"},
    {"status":"in status same","temp":"in temp same","hum":"in humidity same","volt":"in volt same"},
    {"value":"in value same","status":"in status same","volt":"in volt same"},

"message":"no Change"

I have little experience in JavaScript so please do not mind the simple question 我没有JavaScript方面的经验,所以请不要介意这个简单的问题

If your data in res what I saw below, then the $.each(res.slave_id,... is not valid, because the res hasn't slave_id property. Your keys are numbers, so you can iterate them with Object.keys(res).map(key => res[key]).forEach(obj => console.log(obj)) . 如果您在res看到的数据如下所示,则$.each(res.slave_id,...无效,因为res没有slave_id属性。您的键是数字,因此可以使用Object.keys(res).map(key => res[key]).forEach(obj => console.log(obj))对其进行迭代Object.keys(res).map(key => res[key]).forEach(obj => console.log(obj))

After the map, you'll get an object array, this values can be the table rows. 映射之后,您将获得一个对象数组,该值可以是表行。

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