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[英]Relational & Object-Oriented Database which one is better, will be suppressed?

I wonder if RDBMS or OODBMS will be suppressed in near future? 我想知道RDBMS或OODBMS是否会在不久的将来被抑制?

Today I read quite a few articles about differences in both of them and most of the articles seem to favor OODBMS. 今天,我阅读了很多有关两者之间差异的文章,并且大多数文章似乎都偏爱OODBMS。 Does that mean that RDBMS will be suppressed by, not yet well developed, OODBMS? 这是否意味着RDBMS将被尚未开发的OODBMS压制? If not, what makes you think so? 如果没有,您怎么看待呢?

the new world of information is all about BLOBs. 信息的新世界全都与BLOB有关。

No, it isn't. 不,不是。 BLOBs are useful for certain things, but they don't replace or make obsolete more structured databases or the appropriate use of data types. BLOB对于某些事情很有用,但它们不会替代或使结构化的数据库过时或使数据类型无法正确使用。

The relational model is very good at solving a certain class of data organization problem. 关系模型非常擅长解决某类数据组织问题。 Non-relational models solve some different problems, but that doesn't make the relational model obsolete. 非关系模型解决了一些不同的问题,但这并没有使关系模型过时。

There are other non-relational database architectures emerging all the time. 一直在出现其他非关系数据库体系结构。 And this has been going on since the relational model was first published. 自从关系模型首次发布以来,这种情况一直在发生。

We can use OODBMS, key-value stores, MapReduce frameworks, semantic web, etc., without detracting from RDBMS. 我们可以使用OODBMS,键值存储,MapReduce框架,语义Web等,而不会影响RDBMS。 There is no zero-sum game. 没有零和游戏。

what is better pickup truck or sedan? 什么是更好的皮卡车或轿车?

usage can overlap but both have a specialized purpose. 用法可以重叠,但是两者都有专门的用途。 When used for their intended task, they work better than the other used incorrectly: 当用于预期的任务时,它们比其他错误使用的方法工作得更好:

  • bad : sofa sticking out of the sedan's window on moving day! 不好 :移动的日子沙发从轿车的窗户伸出来!
  • good : sofa in the back of the pickup truck on moving day. good :搬家时皮卡车后面的沙发。
  • bad : carpool people riding in the back of the pickup truck down the car pool lane! 不好 :拼车的人在皮卡车的车道后面骑在皮卡车的车道上!
  • good : people sitting in the seats of the sedan in the car pool lane. 良好 :人们坐在车道上的轿车座位上。


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