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[英]React : Search Filter is not working Properly

I am fetching records from server through API , API was built in Loopback . 我正在通过API从服务器获取记录,API是在Loopback中构建的。 Actually On every page I am showing 5 records , currently It working fine I can navigate next or prev through pagination button and on every page it showing 5 records . 其实在每一页我显示5条记录,目前它工作正常,我可以浏览nextprev通过分页按钮,它显示5个记录每一页上。 Problem is that when User type something in search box , record are fetching correctly but when user remove query from search box it break the application flow . 问题是,当用户在搜索框中键入某些内容时,记录将正确提取,但是当用户从搜索框中删除查询时,它将中断应用程序流程。 I mean to say that It showing all data not like 5 . 我的意思是说它显示的不是5的所有数据。 I want that when user search something and remove text from search box it might not break application flow it must show 5 records after do query search . 我希望当用户搜索某些内容并从搜索框中删除文本时,它可能不会破坏应用程序流程,因此在执行查询搜索后必须显示5条记录。 I will provide code please have a look and help me to figure out if I made some mistake . 我将提供代码,请看一下,并帮助我确定是否出错。 I am beginner to React and does not have much knowledge to fix this problem . 我是React的初学者,没有足够的知识来解决此问题。 Thanks Code 感谢代码

    class Example extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      Item: 5,
      skip: 0

    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);

  urlParams() {
    return `http://localhost:3001/meetups?filter[limit]=${(this.state.Item)}&&filter[skip]=${this.state.skip}`

  handleClick() {
    this.setState({skip: this.state.skip + 1})

  render() {
    return (
        <a href={this.urlParams()}>Example link</a>
        <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Change link</button>

ReactDOM.render(<Example/>, document.querySelector('div#my-example' ))

I think, you need to change your searchHandler method and just clear filtered param when search keyword's length is 0. 我认为,您需要更改searchHandler方法,并在搜索关键字的长度为0时清除filtered参数。

    const keyword = event.target.value
    const filtered = !keyword.length ? [] : this.state.allData.filter((item) => (item.companyName.indexOf(keyword) > -1))
    this.setState({ filtered })

I think, It is because you are mutating state directly in searchHandler function. 我认为,这是因为您直接在searchHandler函数中更改了状态。 Can you try this? 你可以试试这个吗?

    let keyword =event.target.value;
    const data = [...this.state.allData];
    let filtered = data.filter((item)=>{
      return item.companyName.indexOf(keyword) > -1

The problem is that when you empty the searchbox, keyword becomes "". 问题在于,当您清空搜索框时,关键字变为“”。 You then check str.indexOf("") returns 0 which means your filter operation returns all items (like you are seeing)!!! 然后,您检查str.indexOf("")返回0,这意味着您的过滤器操作将返回所有项目(如您所见)!

This returns everything when keyword is "": 当关键字为“”时,将返回所有内容:

 let filtered=this.state.allData.filter((item)=>{
      return item.companyName.indexOf(keyword) > -1

To fix it - simply return [] if keyword is empty ("") 要解决此问题-如果关键字为空(“”),只需返回[]

    let keyword =event.target.value;
    let filtered=this.state.allData.filter((item)=>{
      return item.companyName.indexOf(keyword) > -1
    if (keyword === "") {
      filtered = [];

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