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在Windows CMD中更改卷时sys.path中的奇怪行为

[英]Curious behavior in sys.path when changing volumes in Windows CMD

I have just noticed some curious behavior of sys.path and Windows CMD and would like to know what is happening and why. 我刚刚注意到sys.path和Windows CMD的一些奇怪的行为,并想知道发生了什么以及为什么。

In the following two examples, I print out sys.path , change volume to D: , cd into a directory, change volume back to C: and finally print out sys.path again. 在以下两个示例中,我打印出sys.path ,将卷更改为D: sys.pathcd更改为目录,将卷更改回C:最后再次打印出sys.path I do this with two very similar PYTHONPATH s. 我用两个非常相似的PYTHONPATH来做这件事。


C:\Users\z003w3we>python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"
['', 'D:\\', <others>]


D:\>cd UserData


C:\Users\z003w3we>python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"
['', 'D:\\', <others>]

Everything is as expected. 一切都如预期。

With PYTHONPATH=D: (notice the missing trailing \\ ): 使用PYTHONPATH=D:注意缺少尾随\\ ):

C:\Users\z003w3we>python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"
['', 'D:\\', <others>]


D:\>cd UserData


C:\Users\z003w3we>python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"
['', 'D:\\UserData', <others>]

C:\Users\z003w3we>echo %PYTHONPATH%

Now, instead of D: , we suddenly have D:\\UserData in sys.path . 现在,我们突然在sys.path拥有D:\\UserData而不是D: . Notice that PYTHONPATH is unchanged. 请注意, PYTHONPATH没有变化。

I could not reproduce the same behavior with PowerShell; 我无法使用PowerShell重现相同的行为; both PYTHONPATH s exhibit the first behavior. PYTHONPATH表现出了第一种行为。

As I said, I would be very interested in learning what is going on here. 正如我所说,我会非常有兴趣了解这里发生的事情。

CMD sets a conventionally hidden environment variable named "=D:" for the working directory on drive D:. CMD为驱动器D:上的工作目录设置一个名为“= D:”的常规隐藏环境变量。 The Python process inherits this environment variable, and the Windows API uses it when GetFullPathNameW is called to resolve the drive-relative path "D:" as a fully-qualified path. Python进程继承此环境变量,并且在调用GetFullPathNameW时,Windows API使用它来将驱动器相对路径“D:”解析为完全限定路径。

In CMD we can list all environment variables including the 'hidden' ones via set "". 在CMD中,我们可以通过set“”列出所有环境变量,包括“隐藏”变量。 This command depends on a bug, but one that's existed for so long that it's now a feature. 这个命令取决于一个bug,但是它存在了很长时间以至于它现在是一个特性。 To list just the hidden ones, use set "" | findstr /r "^=" 要仅列出隐藏的,请使用set "" | findstr /r "^=" set "" | findstr /r "^=" . set "" | findstr /r "^=" For example: 例如:

C:\>set "" | findstr /r "^="

C:\>cd /d E:\UserData

C:\>set "" | findstr /r "^="

C:\>python -c "import sys; print(sys.path[1]); sys.exit(0xFF)"

C:\>set "" | findstr /r "^="

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