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[英]How can I change the style of an element when the classlist.add is on another element?

I want to change the size of an image when a button is clicked. 我想在单击按钮时更改图像的大小。 I have following code: 我有以下代码:


<img id="pizzaImage" src="img/pizza.png" alt="pizza">


var pizzaImage = document.getElementById('pizzaImage');
Button.onclick = function () {

CSS: (how the .changeSize should look like:) CSS :(。changeSize的外观应为:)

img {
    width: 20%;

you could try this: 您可以尝试以下方法:

Button.onclick = function () {
var img= document.getElementById('yourImgId');
if(img && img.style) {

the html for the image would be: 图像的html将是:

<img src="src" id="yourImgId"/>

Add this CSS as well: 也添加此CSS:

.newStyle {
width: 100px;
height: 200px;

classList.add() adds a class to the element. classList.add()将一个类添加到元素。 So img.classList.add('changeSize'); 所以img.classList.add('changeSize'); adds the class changeSize to the image that you have selected, making the HTML for it look something like: 将class changeSize添加到changeSize的图像中,使其HTML如下所示:

<img src="URL" class="changeSize" />

To make the image grow bigger with that class, you can use the CSS selector img.changeSize 为了使图像在该类中变得更大,可以使用CSS选择器img.changeSize

The final code could look something like this: 最终代码如下所示:

 document.querySelector("#changeImgSizeBtn").addEventListener('click', function () { var img = document.querySelector("#imgID"); img.classList.add('changeSize'); }); 
 img { max-width: 150px; } img.changeSize { max-width: 300px; } 
 <img src="https://i.imgur.com/FrVmtJl.jpg" alt="cat img" id="imgID" /> <br /> <button id="changeImgSizeBtn">Change image size</button> 

Try adding a .changeSize class to your css: 尝试将.changeSize类添加到CSS中:

.changeSize {
  width: 50%;

OR 要么

img.changeSize {
  width: 50%;

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