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逐个运行多个Entity Framework命令

[英]running multiple Entity Framework commands one by one

Is it possible to run scripts in Package manager Console to update Entity Framework with multiple commands? 是否可以在程序包管理器控制台中运行脚本以使用多个命令更新Entity Framework? I'd want a script like: 我想要一个像这样的脚本:

Update-database -migration oldTragetMigration
add-migration newMigration

I want to be able to run the script in sequences so that I don't have to wait for each step to take place? 我希望能够按顺序运行脚本,以便我不必等待每个步骤发生?

Not even sure if I can write ac# script for that kind of thing. 甚至不确定我是否可以为这种事情编写ac#脚本。

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

You can always add new file in your project ( right click on project -> Add New Item -> Text file ), and name it, for example 您总是可以在项目中添加新文件( right click on project -> Add New Item -> Text file ),然后命名它,例如


Edit it, put your commands inside, save. 编辑它,将命令放入其中,保存。 Open Package Manager Console and run it. 打开包管理器控制台并运行它。 You will need to specify path, like this: 您将需要指定路径,如下所示:

.\[project folder]\script.ps1

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