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[英]Angular multi-line list click anywhere to navigate

So this might be simple but I'm having a hard time making a list with two rows of data that allows the user to click anywhere on the entire list item to navigate. 因此,这可能很简单,但我很难创建一个包含两行数据的列表,该列表允许用户单击整个列表项中的任意位置以进行导航。 I currently have this: 我目前有这个:

  <h3 matSubheader>Recent</h3>
  <mat-list-item *ngFor="let book of recentBooks$ | async">
      <a matLine routerLink="/book/{{book.id}}"><strong>{{book.title}}</strong></a>
      <p matLine>{{book.description}}</p>

This mostly works but clicking the line with the book.description doesn't navigate. 这通常有效,但是单击book.description的行不会导航。 I've tried using the a outside like so: 我试过像这样使用a外部:

  <h3 matSubheader>Recent</h3>
  <mat-list-item *ngFor="let book of recentBooks$ | async">
    <a routerLink="/book/{{book.id}}">
      <p matLine><strong>{{book.title}}</strong></p>
      <p matLine>{{book.description}}</p>

But then the list items don't display correctly. 但是,然后列表项不能正确显示。 I tried adding the routerLink property to both lines and that works but I don't think it's the correct way. 我尝试将routerLink属性添加到这两行,并且可以,但是我认为这不是正确的方法。

Is there a more elegant way to accomplish this that I'm missing? 有没有一种更优雅的方式来实现我所缺少的功能?

try to add routerLink="/book/{{book.id}}" in mat-list-item tag and remove anchor tag 尝试在mat-list-item标签中添加routerLink="/book/{{book.id}}"并删除标签

this might work 这可能有效

You can try below code it's work for me 您可以尝试以下代码,它对我有用

<h3 matSubheader>Recent</h3>
 <a [routerLink]="['/book',book.id]">
   <p matLine><strong>book</strong></p>
   <p matLine>This is a book</p>

Got it to work. 得到它的工作。 Moved made line with *ngFor just a div , then put the mat-list-item inside with the routerLink : *ngFordiv ,然后将mat-list-itemrouterLink一起routerLink

  <h3 matSubheader>Recent</h3>
  <div *ngFor="let book of recentBooks$ | async">
    <a mat-list-item routerLink="/book/{{book.id}}">
      <p matLine><strong>{{book.title}}</strong></p>
      <p matLine>{{book.description}}</p>

I don't know if there's any negatives to not having the immediate children of a mat-nav-list be mat-list-item's but it seems to look ok. 我不知道是否没有将mat-nav-list的直接子mat-list-item's作为mat-list-item's不利条件,但看起来还可以。

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