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[英]What is the correct way to deploy a spring boot application

I just faced a strange problem, this is the first time i deploy a spring boot application on server 我刚遇到一个奇怪的问题,这是我第一次在服务器上部署一个spring boot应用程序

As usual i ran the application using java command java -jar myApp.jar 像往常一样,我使用java命令java -jar myApp.jar运行应用程序

after while, i see the application got stop without leaving any error message. 之后,我看到应用程序停止而没有留下任何错误消息。

so i don't know what is the problem, 所以我不知道出什么问题了

possible reason is java memory is not enough so i increased it to 7GB due it has socket 可能的原因是java内存不够,所以我把它增加到7GB,因为它有socket

but the problem still exist 但问题仍然存在

note that i dont have docker and the server is Linux ubuntu provided by Amazon light sail 请注意,我没有docker,服务器是由亚马逊轻帆提供的Linux ubuntu

The server is running a weblogic, jboss, glassfish, tomcat or something else? 服务器正在运行weblogic,jboss,glassfish,tomcat或其他工具? You dont use maven in this project? 你不在这个项目中使用maven吗? Try to build it using maven, with 'mvn clean install' in the root of the project. 尝试使用maven构建它,在项目的根目录中使用“mvn clean install”。


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