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使用 C# Mongodb 驱动程序在嵌套列表中查找项目

[英]Find items in nested list using C# Mongodb driver

I have a model like this:我有一个这样的模型:

    public List<Class2> Class2List { get; set; }

    public List<Class3> Class3List { get; set; }

    public List<Class4> Class4List { get; set; }

    public int Value { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreateDate{ get; set; }

I need to find a list of items of Class4 which are between two dates.我需要找到两个日期之间的 Class4 项目列表。 I try to use below code but I need to return list of type Class4:我尝试使用下面的代码,但我需要返回 Class4 类型的列表:

public async Task<IList<Class1>> GetClass4BetweenDates(string Id, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
    var builder = Builders<Class1>.Filter;
    var filter = builder.Eq("Id", Id) & builder.Gte("Class2.Class3.Class4.CreateDate", fromDate) & builder.Lte("Class2.Class3.Class4.CreateDate", toDate);
    return await _context.GetCollection<Class1>().Find(filter).ToListAsync();            

I know this is wrong.我知道这是错误的。 I need to know the correct way我需要知道正确的方法

I think you should try this:我认为你应该试试这个:

The only problem is in your example that you only give a create date witch elements should be bigger then and smaller then the CreateDate.唯一的问题是在您的示例中,您只给出了一个创建日期,女巫元素应该大于然后小于 CreateDate。 This is kind off imposible.这有点不可能。

public async Task<IList<Class1>> GetClass4BetweenDates(string id, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
    var filterDefinition = Builders<Class1>.Filter.Where(x => x.Id == id &&
                                                              x.Class2List.Any(a => a.Class3List.Any(b => b.Class4List.Any(c => c.CreateDate >= fromDate && 
                                                                                                                                c.CreateDate <= toDate))));
    return await _context.GetCollection<Class1>().Find(filterDefinition).ToListAsync();            

To the follow up question to only return the class4 types you can do the following:对于仅返回 class4 类型的后续问题,您可以执行以下操作:

public async Task<IList<Class4>> GetClass4BetweenDates(string id, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
    var filterDefinition = Builders<Class1>.Filter.Where(x => x.Id == id &&
                                                              x.Class2List.Any(a => a.Class3List.Any(b => b.Class4List.Any(c => c.CreateDate >= fromDate && 
                                                                                                                                c.CreateDate <= toDate))));
    var class1 = await _context.GetCollection<Class1>().Find(filterDefinition).ToListAsync();  

    var class4List = new List<Class4>();

    if (class1 == null)
        return class4List; 

    foreach (var class2 in class1.Class2List)
        foreach (var class3 in class2.Class3List)
            if (class3.Class4List.Any())

    return class4List;       

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