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[英]Updating Ngrx store from material combo-box and then binding to the returned ngrx store data

I am just starting to get to grips with Ngrx. 我刚刚开始接触Ngrx。 I have wired up various controls to update and then return data from my store. 我已经连接了各种控件以进行更新,然后从我的商店中返回数据。 Text boxes and check boxes work as expected, however combo boxes are a different storey. 文本框和复选框按预期工作,但组合框是不同的层。 I can't get the binding right. 我无法获得正确的约束力。

Here are the issues I face: 以下是我面临的问题:

1) When I update the value in the combo box my setCurrentBadge function is fired twice 1)当我更新组合框中的值时,setCurrentBadge函数被触发两次

2) The value I have selected from the list in the combo-box called <mat-select class="badge-codes-combobox"> is not visible. 2)我从名为<mat-select class="badge-codes-combobox">的组合框中的列表中选择的值不可见。

3) The getCurrentBadge function fires, even though this is located in the ngInit life-cycle hook and the page has not reloaded. 3)getCurrentBadge函数触发,即使它位于ngInit生命周期钩子中并且页面未重新加载。

4) When I reload the page the getCurrentBadge function fires but the combo-box does not display the returned value. 4)当我重新加载页面时,getCurrentBadge函数触发,但组合框不显示返回的值。

As far as the code goes I need the badgeCodeSelected($event) to fire just once when the value of the combo box changes. 就代码而言,当组合框的值发生变化时,我需要使用badgeCodeSelected($ event)来触发一次。 I need the [value]="selectedBadge" to display the selected value and when the page is reloaded I need the combo-box to display the value returned from the store) 我需要[value] =“selectedBadge”来显示所选的值,当重新加载页面时,我需要组合框来显示从商店返回的值)

Here's my code. 这是我的代码。

    <div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-4">
    [errorMessage] = "errorMessage$ | async"
    [displayTypes] = "displayTypes$ | async"
    [declarationTypes] = "declarationTypes$ | async"
    [badges] = "badges$ | async"
    [traderReference]= "traderReference$ | async"
    [selectedBadge] = "selectedBadge$ | async"
    (badgeSelected) = "badgeCodeSelected($event)" 
    (checked) = "checkChanged($event)"
    (traderReferenceSet) = "onBlurTraderReferenceChange($event)"

  selector: 'app-declaration',
  templateUrl: './declaration-shell.component.html',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class DeclarationShellComponent implements OnInit {
  errorMessage$: Observable<string>;
  displayTypes$: Observable<boolean>;
  declarationTypes$: Observable<Declarationtype[]>;
  badges$: Observable<Badge[]>;
  selectedDeclarationType$: Observable<string>;
  selectedBadge$: Observable<Badge>;
  traderReference$: Observable<string>;

  constructor(private store: Store<fromDeclaraionType.State>) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.store.dispatch(new fromDeclarationTypeActions.LoadDeclarationType());
    this.store.dispatch(new fromDeclarationTypeActions.LoadBadges());

    this.errorMessage$ = this.store.pipe(select(fromDeclaraionType.getError));
    this.displayTypes$ = this.store.pipe(
    this.declarationTypes$ = this.store.pipe(

    this.selectedDeclarationType$ = this.store.pipe(

    this.badges$ = this.store.pipe(select(fromDeclaraionType.getBadges));

    this.selectedBadge$ = this.store.pipe(
      tap(x => console.log('About to fetch current badge from store {0}', x))

    this.traderReference$ = this.store.pipe(

  checkChanged(value: boolean): void {
    console.log('About to dispatch toggle Display Declaration Types');
      new fromDeclarationTypeActions.ToggleDeclarationTypes(value)

  onBlurTraderReferenceChange(value: string) {
    console.log('About to dispatch Set Trader Reference');
      new fromDeclarationTypeActions.SetTraderReference(value)

  badgeCodeSelected(value: Badge) {
    console.log('About to dispatch Set Current Badge');
    this.store.dispatch(new fromDeclarationTypeActions.SetCurrentBadge(value));

 <div class="declaration-type">
      [expanded]="displayTypes === true"
      (opened)="(displayTypes === true)"
        <mat-panel-title> <h4>Declaration Type</h4> </mat-panel-title>
          Display Types?

      <div class="controls-wrapper">
        <div class="flex-container">
          <div class="flex-item-declarationType">
            <label class="field-label labelAlignment">
              Decln Type [01]:
              <mat-select class="declaration-type-combobox" [value]="selectedDeclarationType">
                  *ngFor="let declarationType of declarationTypes"

                  {{ declarationType.value }}
          <div class="flex-item-badgeCode">
            <label class="field-label labelAlignment">
              Badge Codes:
              <mat-select class="badge-codes-combobox" [value]="selectedBadge" >
                <mat-option (onSelectionChange)="badgeCodeSelected(badge)"
                  *ngFor="let badge of badges"
                 <div>{{ badge.code }} - {{ badge.name }}</div>
        <div class="flex-container">
          <div class="flex-item-traderReference">
            <label class="field-label labelAlignment">
              Trader Reference [07]:
                (click)="traderReferenceValue = ''"

  selector: 'app-declaration-type',
  templateUrl: './declaration-type.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./declaration-type.component.scss']
export class DeclarationTypeComponent implements OnInit {
  customCollapsedHeight = '40px';
  customExpandedHeight = '40px';

  @Input() errorMessage: string;
  @Input() displayTypes: boolean;
  @Input() declarationTypes: Declarationtype[];
  @Input() badges: Badge[];
  @Input() selectedDeclarationType: string;
  @Input() selectedBadge: Badge;
  @Input() traderReference: string;

  @Output() checked = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
  @Output() declarationTypeSelected = new EventEmitter<string>();
  @Output() badgeSelected = new EventEmitter<Badge>();
  @Output() traderReferenceSet = new EventEmitter<string>();

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit(): void {}

  checkChanged(value: boolean): void {

  badgeCodeSelected(value: Badge) {

  onTraderReferenceSet(value: string) {

This would be a bit of a shift for you, but I wanted to share that I have a library that, among other things, has built-in directives to bind form controls to a store. 对于您来说,这将是一个转变,但是我想分享一下,我有一个库,除其他外,该库具有内置指令以将表单控件绑定到商店。 The big shift is that you'll need to build a StoreObject instead of using a selector, and you won't write or handle any actions. 最大的变化是您将需要构建StoreObject而不是使用选择器,并且您将不会编写或处理任何操作。

The library is called ng-app-state , and the key to the binding to form controls is in the nasModel directive. 该库称为ng-app-state ,绑定到表单控件的键在nasModel指令中。 I'll give you an idea below. 我会在下面给你一个想法。

Let's say the value for your checkbox is in the store at a place like this: 假设您的复选框的值在商店中的位置如下:

class DeclarationTypeState {
  badgeCode: string;

Then you'd use it like this: 然后你会像这样使用它:

  template: `
    <mat-select [nasModel]="badgeCodeStore">
      <mat-option ...></mat-option>
export class DeclarationTypeComponent {
  badgeCodeStore: StoreObject<string>;

  constructor(myStore: MyStore) {
    this.badgeCodeStore = myStore('keyForDeclarationTypeState')('badgeCode');

This will do the 2-way binding into your store to make the mat-select stay in sync with the store, and edit the value in the store when the user changes it. 这将对您的商店进行2向绑定,以使mat-select与商店保持同步,并在用户更改时在商店中编辑值。

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