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[英]Required babel-jest dependency

I am new in the topic of React. 我是React的新话题。 I started it recently and I have a problem when I want to start a React app. 我最近启动了它,当我想启动一个React应用程序时遇到了问题。 'yarn start' shows this error: “纱线开始”显示此错误:

The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency: "babel-jest": "23.6.0" 

How can I overcome this error, please. 请问我该如何克服这个错误。

I tried to find a solution on Internet but I was not lucky. 我试图在Internet上找到解决方案,但我并不幸运。 Where is the problem, please? 请问问题出在哪里?

So it looks like what might have happened was that after you created a new app using create-react-app . 因此,它看起来像什么可能发生的情况是,你创建一个使用新的应用程序后, create-react-app you then manually added the babel-jest package with yarn add babel-jest . 然后,您可以手动添加babel-jest包和yarn add babel-jest At least, that's how I was able to replicate on my machine the error that you quoted. 至少,这就是我能够在计算机上复制您引用的错误的方式。

You do not need to add the babel-jest package manually, as it is already bundled into create-react-app . 并不需要添加babel-jest手工包,因为它已经捆绑到create-react-app So, you need to follow the instructions that were provided alongside the above error in order to remove the package: 因此,您需要按照上述错误附带的说明进行操作,以删除软件包:

First, open package.json and remove the dependency line that includes babel-jest . 首先,打开package.json并删除包含babel-jest的依赖项行。 It might look something like this: 它可能看起来像这样:

// package.json
  "name": "babel",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "babel-jest": "23.6.0",  <----------- REMOVE THIS LINE
    "react": "^16.8.4",
    "react-dom": "^16.8.4",
    "react-scripts": "2.1.8"

Then, since you're using yarn , do the following from within your project root folder: 然后,由于您正在使用yarn ,因此请在项目根文件夹中执行以下操作:

rm -rf node_modules
rm yarn.lock
yarn install

This removes the manually added babel-jest package and then gives you a fresh install of all of the packages that originally came with create-react-app (which includes the babel-jest package that is already bundled in). 这将删除手动添加的babel-jest软件包,然后为您重新安装最初与create-react-app一起提供的所有软件包(其中包括已经捆绑在一起的babel-jest软件包)。

Update 更新

Based on your comment, I believe that has happened is this: 根据您的评论,我相信发生的事情是这样的:

  1. You used npm init which initialized a new nodejs project, with its own package.json file. 您使用npm init初始化了一个新的nodejs项目,并使用其自己的package.json文件。

  2. Then in that folder, you used create-react-app to create a test sub-folder - this initialized another project with its own package.json file. 然后,在该文件夹中,您使用create-react-app创建了一个test子文件夹-这使用其自己的package.json文件初始化了另一个项目。

  3. For some reason, the project in the parent folder (which you initialized with npm init ) has a reference to babel-jest - and this is conflicting with the app in the child folder which you created with create-react-app . 出于某种原因,父文件夹(您使用npm init )中的项目引用了babel-jest这与您使用create-react-app的子文件夹中的应用程序冲突。

Keep in mind that npm and yarn are both package managers for nodejs projects. 请记住, npmyarn都是nodejs项目的包管理器。 Each of them have an init command which can be used to initialize a new project, setting up a package.json file. 它们每个都有一个init命令,可用于初始化新项目,并设置package.json文件。 For the most part, you will never need to use both npm and yarn within a single project. 在大多数情况下,您将永远不需要在单个项目中同时使用npmyarn Just choose which one you want to use and stick with that one. 只需选择您要使用的那个并坚持使用那个。

create-react-app is another command which can be used to initialize a new ReactJS project with a lot of initial setup built in. This has babel-jest built into it, which is what might be leading to some conflicts with the parent folder's package.json file or possibly a globally installed babel-jest package. create-react-app是另一个命令,可用于初始化具有许多内置初始设置的新ReactJS项目。该命令内置babel-jest ,这可能导致与父文件夹的package.json产生某些冲突package.json文件或可能是全局安装的babel-jest软件包。

As a general rule, you should only use 1 of the following: * npm init initializes a project at the current folder. 通常,您使用以下选项之一:* npm init在当前文件夹中初始化一个项目。 * yarn init initializes a project at the current folder. * yarn init初始化当前文件夹中的项目。 * create-react-app . * create-react-app . initializes a project at the current folder. 在当前文件夹中初始化一个项目。

For your current situation, since you are working with a new project, I would recommend that you try to start over in initializing a new create-react-app project. 对于您当前的情况,由于您正在处理新项目,因此建议您尝试重新初始化一个新的create-react-app项目。 Go to the parent folder, outside of the one where you used the npm init command. 转到父文件夹,该文件夹位于使用npm init命令的文件夹之外。 Create a project folder, and then in that folder, run create-react-app . 创建一个项目文件夹,然后在该文件夹中运行create-react-app .

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