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[英]How to replace first number before a space in each line in a text file

My file look like the following:我的文件如下所示:

12.32 1:34 2:49 5:21 29:98
13.53 1:23 2:82 5:23 29:45
51.92 1:23 2:54 5:54 29:63
12.42 1:34 2:43 5:32 29:32

I am trying to replace every first number in each line by another number.我试图用另一个数字替换每行中的每个第一个数字。 So the output will be like所以输出会像

21.33 1:34 2:49 5:21 29:98
16.23 1:23 2:82 5:23 29:45
93.12 1:23 2:54 5:54 29:63
18.76 1:34 2:43 5:32 29:32 

What would be a good method?什么是好的方法?

I tried pointing to the number by我试着指向号码

with open('file.txt', 'r') as file:
    line = file.readline()

but it just gives me first character, not the entire number.但它只给了我第一个字符,而不是整个数字。 Thank you so much!非常感谢!

You can use following method to achieve this:-您可以使用以下方法来实现这一点:-

data = None
with open('file.txt', 'r') as file:
    data = file.read()

def process_line_item(x):
    index = x[0]
    line_str = x[1]
    new_first_value = [str(x[0])] # you can put here new value depending on line index
    return ' '.join(new_first_value + x[1].split(' ')[1:])

new_data = '\n'.join(list(map(process_line_item, enumerate(data.split('\n')))))

with open('new_file.txt', 'w') as file:


12.32 1:34 2:49 5:21 29:98
13.53 1:23 2:82 5:23 29:45
51.92 1:23 2:54 5:54 29:63
12.42 1:34 2:43 5:32 29:32


0 1:34 2:49 5:21 29:98
1 1:23 2:82 5:23 29:45
2 1:23 2:54 5:54 29:63
3 1:34 2:43 5:32 29:32

you could use the csv module with delimiter=" " :您可以使用带有delimiter=" "csv模块:

from csv import reader

with open('file.txt', 'r') as file:
    csv_reader = reader(file, delimiter=" ")
    for row in csv_reader:
        row[0] = '??.??'

which outputs哪个输出

['??.??', '1:34', '2:49', '5:21', '29:98']
['??.??', '1:23', '2:82', '5:23', '29:45']

note that your numbers will be strings.请注意,您的数字将是字符串。 you may have to convert them to floats:您可能需要将它们转换为浮点数:

floats = [float(item) for item in row]

if you then need to write the changes to a file you could similarly use a csv.writer .如果您需要将更改写入文件,您可以类似地使用csv.writer

This code should do the trick, however it may be a bit faulty and may need tweaking and testing a bit.这段代码应该可以解决问题,但是它可能有点错误,可能需要稍微调整和测试。 I hope it helps though.我希望它有帮助。

with open('file.txt', 'r') as file:
    file_content = file.read()
    list_content = [letter for letter in file_content]
    num_length = 0
    for i, char in enumerate(list_content):
        num_length += 1
        if list_content[i - 1] == '\n':
            num_length = 0

        elif char == ' ':
            start_index = i - num_length
            for _ in range(num_length + 1):

            list_content.insert(start_index, your_new_number)

    out_text = ''.join(list_content)

with open('file.txt', 'w+') as file:

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