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在Many2one Odoo 11中的域

[英]Domain in Many2one Odoo 11

I have three models 我有三种模式

class ZohoTags(models.Model):
    _name = 'zoho.tags'

    name = fields.Char(string="Tags")
    tag_id = fields.Char(string="Tag Id")

class TagsLine(models.Model):
    _name = 'zoho.tags.line'

    x_zoho_tags = fields.Many2one('zoho.tags', string='Tags')
    x_tags_option = fields.Many2one('zoho.tag.option', string='Tags Option', domain="[('tag_ids', '=', x_zoho_tags.tag_id)]")
    rules_id = fields.Many2one('hr.salary.rule')

class TagOptions(models.Model):
     _name = 'zoho.tag.option'

     name = fields.Char(string="tag option name")
     option_tag_id = fields.Char(string="tag option id")
     tag_ids = fields.Char(string="tag_id")

In the zoho.tags model, I have a field called tag_id and in the zoho.tag.option , I have tag_ids and both are having the same values. zoho.tags模型中,我有一个名为tag_id的字段,在zoho.tag.option ,我有tag_ids并且两者都具有相同的值。

In the zoho.tags.line model, I have a Many2one field called x_zoho_tags , which shows a list of tags like: division, state, etc. and x_tags_option , which shows options for each tag, such as: zoho.tags.line模型中,我有一个名为x_zoho_tagsMany2one字段,该字段显示标签列表,例如: division, state, etc.以及x_tags_option ,其中显示每个标签的选项,例如:

Tag (division) has options (A,B,C) and these options are having the same tag_ids stored for (division) tag 标签(分区)具有选项(A,B,C),并且这些选项具有与(分区)标签相同的tag_ids

I want to add a domain to x_tags_option in order to filter x_tag_option to show only options that are having the same tag_id . 我想向x_tags_option添加域,以便过滤x_tag_option仅显示具有相同tag_id选项。

So when I select division from x_zoho_tags , then x_tags_option should show only A, B and C . 因此,当我从x_zoho_tags选择division时,则x_tags_option应该仅显示A, B and C

I have tried to add this line below, but it does not work 我试图在下面添加此行,但是它不起作用

domain="[('tag_ids', '=', x_zoho_tags.tag_id)]

I have figure it out. 我知道了。 This is how I have done it: 这是我的方法:

In python: 在python中:

  def onchange_tags(self):
      res = {}
      if self.x_zoho_tags:
         res['domain'] = {'x_tags_option': [('tag_ids', '=', self.x_zoho_tags.tag_id)]}
      return res

In XML: 在XML中:

 <field name="x_zoho_tags"/>
 <field name="x_tags_option" onchange="onchange_tags(x_zoho_tags)"/>

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