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TypeError:&#39;在 <string> &#39;需要将字符串作为左操作数,而不是Telnetlib Python3中的字节

[英]TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not bytes in Telnetlib Python3

Im having a problem with using telenetlib in python 3. Here is my code: 我在python 3中使用telenetlib时遇到问题。这是我的代码:

import time
import os


def cleanString(inText):
    inText = inText.rstrip()
    params, inText = inText.split("=",1)
    inText = str(inText)
    return inText

def notify(title, text, sound):
    os.system("""osascript -e 'display notification "{}" with title "{}" sound name "{}"'
              """.format(text, title, sound))

def shutdown():
    os.system("""osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"
    shut down
    end tell'

dataFile = open("NUT.conf", "r")
login = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
password = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
host = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
port = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
upsName = cleanString(dataFile.readline())
shutdownTime = cleanString(dataFile.readline())

shutdownTime = shutdownTime*60,000


ups_handler=PyNUT.PyNUTClient(host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password)
upsInfo = ups_handler.GetUPSVars(upsName)

while True:
    upsInfo = ups_handler.GetUPSVars(upsName)

    if upsInfo['ups.status']=='OB DISCHRG' and state!=1:
        originalTime = time.time()

    elif upsInfo['ups.status']=='OB DISCHRG' :
        if(int(originalTime)+int(  shutdownTime))==time.time():
            notify("UPS Alert", "Detected UPS power loss. Shutting down NAS in "+shutdownTime+" minute(s).", "Funk")
            #TODO shutdown computer

    if upsInfo['ups.status']=='OL':

Here is the pyNUT library: 这是pyNUT库:

 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2008 David Goncalves <david@lestat.st> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # 2008-01-14 David Goncalves # PyNUT is an abstraction class to access NUT (Network UPS Tools) server. # # 2008-06-09 David Goncalves # Added 'GetRWVars' and 'SetRWVar' commands. # # 2009-02-19 David Goncalves # Changed class PyNUT to PyNUTClient # # 2010-07-23 David Goncalves - Version 1.2 # Changed GetRWVars function that fails is the UPS is not # providing such vars. # # 2011-07-05 René Martín Rodríguez <rmrodri@ull.es> - Version 1.2.1 # Added support for FSD, HELP and VER commands # # 2012-02-07 René Martín Rodríguez <rmrodri@ull.es> - Version 1.2.2 # Added support for LIST CLIENTS command # # 2014-06-03 george2 - Version 1.3.0 # Added custom exception class, fixed minor bug, added Python 3 support. # import telnetlib class PyNUTError(Exception): """ Base class for custom exceptions """ class PyNUTClient: """ Abstraction class to access NUT (Network UPS Tools) server """ __debug = None # Set class to debug mode (prints everything useful for debugging...) __host = None __port = None __login = None __password = None __timeout = None __srv_handler = None __version = "1.3.0" __release = "2014-06-03" def __init__( self, host="", port=3493, login=None, password=None, debug=False, timeout=5 ) : """ Class initialization method host : Host to connect (default to localhost) port : Port where NUT listens for connections (default to 3493) login : Login used to connect to NUT server (default to None for no authentication) password : Password used when using authentication (default to None) debug : Boolean, put class in debug mode (prints everything on console, default to False) timeout : Timeout used to wait for network response """ self.__debug = debug if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] Class initialization..." ) print( "[DEBUG] -> Host = %s (port %s)" % ( host, port ) ) print( "[DEBUG] -> Login = '%s' / '%s'" % ( login, password ) ) self.__host = host self.__port = port self.__login = login self.__password = password self.__timeout = 5 self.__connect() # Try to disconnect cleanly when class is deleted ;) def __del__( self ) : """ Class destructor method """ try : self.__srv_handler.write( "LOGOUT\\n" ) except : pass def __connect( self ) : """ Connects to the defined server If login/pass was specified, the class tries to authenticate. An error is raised if something goes wrong. """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] Connecting to host" ) self.__srv_handler = telnetlib.Telnet( self.__host, self.__port ) if self.__login != None : self.__srv_handler.write( "USERNAME %s\\n" % self.__login ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n", self.__timeout ) if result[:2] != "OK" : raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\\n", "" ) ) if self.__password != None : self.__srv_handler.write( "PASSWORD %s\\n" % self.__password ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n", self.__timeout ) if result[:2] != "OK" : raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\\n", "" ) ) def GetUPSList( self ) : """ Returns the list of available UPS from the NUT server The result is a dictionary containing 'key->val' pairs of 'UPSName' and 'UPS Description' """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] GetUPSList from server" ) self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST UPS\\n" ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if result != "BEGIN LIST UPS\\n" : raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\\n", "" ) ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST UPS\\n" ) ups_list = {} for line in result.split( "\\n" ) : if line[:3] == "UPS" : ups, desc = line[4:-1].split( '"' ) ups_list[ ups.replace( " ", "" ) ] = desc return( ups_list ) def GetUPSVars( self, ups="" ) : """ Get all available vars from the specified UPS The result is a dictionary containing 'key->val' pairs of all available vars. """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] GetUPSVars called..." ) self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST VAR %s\\n" % ups ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if result != "BEGIN LIST VAR %s\\n" % ups : raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\\n", "" ) ) ups_vars = {} result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST VAR %s\\n" % ups ) offset = len( "VAR %s " % ups ) end_offset = 0 - ( len( "END LIST VAR %s\\n" % ups ) + 1 ) for current in result[:end_offset].split( "\\n" ) : var = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[0].replace( " ", "" ) data = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[1] ups_vars[ var ] = data return( ups_vars ) def GetUPSCommands( self, ups="" ) : """ Get all available commands for the specified UPS The result is a dict object with command name as key and a description of the command as value """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] GetUPSCommands called..." ) self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST CMD %s\\n" % ups ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if result != "BEGIN LIST CMD %s\\n" % ups : raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\\n", "" ) ) ups_cmds = {} result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST CMD %s\\n" % ups ) offset = len( "CMD %s " % ups ) end_offset = 0 - ( len( "END LIST CMD %s\\n" % ups ) + 1 ) for current in result[:end_offset].split( "\\n" ) : var = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[0].replace( " ", "" ) # For each var we try to get the available description try : self.__srv_handler.write( "GET CMDDESC %s %s\\n" % ( ups, var ) ) temp = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if temp[:7] != "CMDDESC" : raise PyNUTError else : off = len( "CMDDESC %s %s " % ( ups, var ) ) desc = temp[off:-1].split('"')[1] except : desc = var ups_cmds[ var ] = desc return( ups_cmds ) def GetRWVars( self, ups="" ) : """ Get a list of all writable vars from the selected UPS The result is presented as a dictionary containing 'key->val' pairs """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] GetUPSVars from '%s'..." % ups ) self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST RW %s\\n" % ups ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if ( result != "BEGIN LIST RW %s\\n" % ups ) : raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\\n", "" ) ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST RW %s\\n" % ups ) offset = len( "VAR %s" % ups ) end_offset = 0 - ( len( "END LIST RW %s\\n" % ups ) + 1 ) rw_vars = {} try : for current in result[:end_offset].split( "\\n" ) : var = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[0].replace( " ", "" ) data = current[ offset: ].split( '"' )[1] rw_vars[ var ] = data except : pass return( rw_vars ) def SetRWVar( self, ups="", var="", value="" ): """ Set a variable to the specified value on selected UPS The variable must be a writable value (cf GetRWVars) and you must have the proper rights to set it (maybe login/password). """ self.__srv_handler.write( "SET VAR %s %s %s\\n" % ( ups, var, value ) ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if ( result == "OK\\n" ) : return( "OK" ) else : raise PyNUTError( result ) def RunUPSCommand( self, ups="", command="" ) : """ Send a command to the specified UPS Returns OK on success or raises an error """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] RunUPSCommand called..." ) self.__srv_handler.write( "INSTCMD %s %s\\n" % ( ups, command ) ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if ( result == "OK\\n" ) : return( "OK" ) else : raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\\n", "" ) ) def FSD( self, ups="") : """ Send FSD command Returns OK on success or raises an error """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] MASTER called..." ) self.__srv_handler.write( "MASTER %s\\n" % ups ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if ( result != "OK MASTER-GRANTED\\n" ) : raise PyNUTError( ( "Master level function are not available", "" ) ) if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] FSD called..." ) self.__srv_handler.write( "FSD %s\\n" % ups ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if ( result == "OK FSD-SET\\n" ) : return( "OK" ) else : raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\\n", "" ) ) def help(self) : """ Send HELP command """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] HELP called..." ) self.__srv_handler.write( "HELP\\n") return self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) def ver(self) : """ Send VER command """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] VER called..." ) self.__srv_handler.write( "VER\\n") return self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) def ListClients( self, ups = None ) : """ Returns the list of connected clients from the NUT server The result is a dictionary containing 'key->val' pairs of 'UPSName' and a list of clients """ if self.__debug : print( "[DEBUG] ListClients from server" ) if ups and (ups not in self.GetUPSList()): raise PyNUTError( "%s is not a valid UPS" % ups ) if ups: self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST CLIENTS %s\\n" % ups) else: self.__srv_handler.write( "LIST CLIENTS\\n" ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "\\n" ) if result != "BEGIN LIST CLIENTS\\n" : raise PyNUTError( result.replace( "\\n", "" ) ) result = self.__srv_handler.read_until( "END LIST CLIENTS\\n" ) ups_list = {} for line in result.split( "\\n" ): if line[:6] == "CLIENT" : host, ups = line[7:].split(' ') ups.replace(' ', '') if not ups in ups_list: ups_list[ups] = [] ups_list[ups].append(host) return( ups_list ) 

It is throwing me this error: 这使我犯了这个错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/gabrielcsizmadia/Documents/GitHub/nut-shutdown-app/main.py", line 43, in <module>
    ups_handler=PyNUT.PyNUTClient(host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password)
  File "/Users/gabrielcsizmadia/Documents/GitHub/nut-shutdown-app/PyNUT.py", line 86, in __init__
  File "/Users/gabrielcsizmadia/Documents/GitHub/nut-shutdown-app/PyNUT.py", line 108, in __connect
    self.__srv_handler.write( "USERNAME %s\n" % self.__login )
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/telnetlib.py", line 287, in write
    if IAC in buffer:
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not bytes
      File "/Users/gabrielcsizmadia/Desktop/Homelab/NUT Shutdown/MacOS Shutdown/PyNUT.py", line 108, in __connect
        self.__srv_handler.write( "USERNAME %s\n" % self.__login )
      File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/telnetlib.py", line 287, in write
        if IAC in buffer:
    TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not bytes

Not sure where to go from here... Any help would be much appreciated! 不确定从这里去哪里...任何帮助将不胜感激!

EDIT: I have updated the error, I posted the wrong error in the original code... I have also added more to the code. 编辑:我已经更新了错误,我在原始代码中发布了错误的错误...我也添加了更多的代码。

I also noticed that it runs fine in Python 2.7 but not Python 3. This might help someone. 我还注意到它在Python 2.7中运行良好,但在Python 3中却没有。这可能对某人有所帮助。



The problem is that pyNUT is written for Python 2. telnetlib expects most of its inputs to be bytes . 问题是,被pyNUT为Python写入2. telnetlib预期大部分其输入是字节 In Python 2 the str type was a bytestring, but in Python 3 it's unicode. 在Python 2中, str类型是一个字节字符串,但是在Python 3中,它是unicode。

The pyNUT code is using string literals to format strings internally, like this: pyNUT代码使用字符串文字在内部格式化字符串,如下所示:

self.__srv_handler.write( "USERNAME %s\n" % self.__login ) 

so passing bytes isn't going to help: 因此,传递字节将无济于事:

>>> 'Hello %s' % 'world'.encode('ascii')
"Hello b'world'"

pyNUT needs to be modified to pass bytes to telnetlib. pyNUT需要修改以将字节传递给telnetlib。 For example 例如

self.__srv_handler.write( b"USERNAME %s\n" % self.__login.encode('ascii') ) 


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相关问题 类型错误:'在<string> ' 需要字符串作为左操作数,而不是字节,python</string> - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not bytes,python TypeError:&#39;在 <string> &#39;需要将字符串作为左操作数,而不是方法PYTHON - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not method PYTHON TypeError:&#39;in <string> &#39;要求字符串作为左操作数而不是列表 - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand not list TypeError:&#39;in <string> &#39;需要字符串作为左操作数,而不是QString - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not QString TypeError:&#39;在 <string> &#39;需要将字符串作为左操作数,而不是QueryDict - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not QueryDict TypeError:&#39;在 <string> &#39;需要将字符串作为左操作数,而不是布尔值 - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not bool 类型错误:&#39;在<string> &#39; 需要字符串作为左操作数,而不是元组 - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not tuple TypeError:&#39;在 <string> &#39;需要将字符串作为左操作数而不是int - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand not int 类型错误:&#39;在<string> &#39; 需要字符串作为左操作数,而不是 Series - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not Series 类型错误:'在<string> ' 需要字符串作为左操作数,而不是 NoneType</string> - TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not NoneType
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