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[英]how to join two sql subqueries

I have 2 tables 我有2张桌子
the 1st one name is (employee) has 3 columns (emp_id, first_name, last_name) 第一个名字是(employee)有3列(emp_id,first_name,last_name)
the 2nd table name is (works_with) has also 3 columns (emp_id, client_id, total_sales) 第二个表名称是(works_with),也有3列(emp_id,client_id,total_sales)
in (works_with) table the same emp_id can be related to different client_id 在(works_with)表中,相同的emp_id可以与不同的client_id相关

I need to extract the (first_name) and (last_name) form (employee) table and their (total_sales) of more than 30000 from (work_with) table 我需要从(work_with)表中提取(first_name)和(last_name)表单(员工)表以及它们的(total_sales)超过30000

I used this code to give me the (emp_id)* with the (total_sales) of more than 30000 我使用此代码为(emp_id)*提供了(total_sales)超过30000

SELECT SUM(works_with.total_sales), works_with.emp_id
FROM works_with
WHERE works_with.emp_id IN (SELECT works_with.emp_id
                            FROM works_with 
                            WHERE works_with.total_sales > 30000) 
GROUP BY works_with.emp_id;

and I used this code to give me the (first_name) and (last_name) of those (emp_id)* 我用这段代码给了我(emp_id)*的(first_name)和(last_name)*

SELECT employee.first_name, employee.last_name
FROM employee
WHERE employee.emp_id IN (SELECT works_with.emp_id
                          FROM works_with
                          WHERE works_with.total_sales > 30000);

is there a way to join the 2 codes or any other way to have the result that I want 有没有办法加入这两个代码或任何其他方式来获得我想要的结果

Thank you 谢谢

Are you just looking for a JOIN ? 您只是在寻找JOIN吗?

SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, SUM(ww.total_sales)
FROM works_with ww JOIN
     employee e
     ON ew.emp_id = ww.emp_id
WHERE ww.emp_id IN (SELECT ww2.emp_id
                    FROM works_with  ww2
                    WHERE ww.total_sales > 30000
GROUP BY e.emp_id, e.first_name, e.last_name;

The subquery is not needed. 不需要子查询。 It is implementing this logic: 它正在实现以下逻辑:

SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, SUM(ww.total_sales)
FROM works_with ww JOIN
     employee e
     ON ew.emp_id = ww.emp_id
GROUP BY e.emp_id, e.first_name, e.last_name
HAVING MAX(ww.total_sales) > 30000;

However, I suspect that you want: 但是,我怀疑您想要:

SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, SUM(ww.total_sales)
FROM works_with ww JOIN
     employee e
     ON ew.emp_id = ww.emp_id
GROUP BY e.emp_id, e.first_name, e.last_name
HAVING SUM(ww.total_sales) > 30000;

Contributing here since I noticed an error in the other answer. 因为我注意到另一个答案中的一个错误,所以在这里做贡献。 See here for how different types of JOINs work: (Link) . 有关不同类型的JOIN的工作方式,请参见此处: (Link)

    Works_With AS WW
        INNER JOIN Employee AS Employee
            ON Employee.EMP_ID = WW.EMP_ID
    SUM(WW.Total_Sales) > 30000;

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