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[英]how to display information from a database in a web page without php

for my homework assignment, I need to display this information from my database in a table on a webpage. 对于我的家庭作业,我需要在网页上的表格中显示我的数据库中的这些信息。 with all the research I've done, it seems that I need to use php. 经过我所做的所有研究,似乎我需要使用php。 is there anyway to do this without php and just html? 反正有没有PHP和只是HTML? we haven't learned php yet so I'm confused. 我们还没有学过php,所以我很困惑。 here is the database: 这是数据库:

id serial PRIMARY KEY,
name text,
number text,
year text,
artist text,
description text

    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    title text,
    title_id integer REFERENCES album (id)

INSERT INTO album (name, number, year, artist, description) VALUES ('Reputation','15','2017','Taylor Swift','Reputation is Taylor Swifts sixth studio album');
INSERT INTO label (text, title_id) VALUES (Big Machine Records, 1);
INSERT INTO album (name, number, year, artist, description) VALUES ('Ripcord','13','2016','Keith Urban','Ripcord is Keith Urbans ninth studio album');
INSERT INTO label (text, title_id) VALUES (Capital Records Nashville, 2);

You can use Node, but I will recommend using php. 你可以使用Node,但我会建议使用php。 It can be learned easily. 它很容易学习。

Remember those steps and it will be easy for you: 记住这些步骤,对您来说将很容易:

1)Php code is written inside tags and file must be saved with .php extension. 1)Php代码写在标签内,文件必须以.php扩展名保存。 2)You need to connect to the database, there are multiple methods https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_connect.asp 2)你需要连接数据库,有多种方法https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_connect.asp

       $servername = "localhost";
        $username = "enterusername";
        $password = "enterdatabasepassword"; 

        // Create connection
        $con = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password,$database);

// Check connection

    if (!$con) {
        die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
    echo "Connected successfully";

//this is a comment. 
//Usually in localhost username is root and password is empty, so you must use


3) Now you are connected to the database. This is how you get data from the database.

// $sql is just a variable
//$con is the variable that stores database connection. We declared it before.

$sql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT *  FROM album");
$count = mysqli_num_rows($sql); //mysqli_num_rows counts rows returned from database.
//now we check if database returned more than 0 rows
//if returned rows >0 we fetch the data
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){

//Now we store each field in variables:


//Now we can create table

echo "<table><thead><tr> <td>id</td><td>name</td><td>number</td><td>year</td><td>artist</td><td>description</td></tr></thead>
<tr> <td>$id</td><td>$name</td><td>$number</td><td>$year</td><td>$artist</td><td>$description</td></tr>



//Hope this helped you.

The process for read data from a database is: Presentation -> Language -> Driver -> Database. 从数据库读取数据的过程是:演示->语言->驱动程序->数据库。

Where: 哪里:

Presentation-> The endpoint where you want show the data, it can be an app, webpage, console etc... 演示文稿 - >您想要显示数据的端点,它可以是应用程序,网页,控制台等...

Language-> You need a programming language with an interface for the driver, generally this interface is a library. 语言->您需要一种具有用于驱动程序接口的编程语言,通常该接口是一个库。

Driver-> It's an abstraction layer that allow your library connect to a database. 驱动程序->这是一个抽象层,允许您的库连接到数据库。

Database-> your data here. 数据库 - >您的数据在这里。

So you need to use programming to show data on a html page, but if you want only show the data you can use a viewer like this: 因此,您需要使用编程来在html页面上显示数据,但是如果您只想显示数据,则可以使用如下查看器:

http://kripken.github.io/sql.js/GUI/ http://kripken.github.io/sql.js/GUI/

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