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[英]Android: get real in-app purchases instead of test purchases

Currently, I added a billing processor for my store. 目前,我为我的商店添加了计费处理器。 All test in-app purchases are working but when will they expire/remove for real IAP? 所有测试应用内购买都在运行但是什么时候会过期/删除真正的IAP?

I would like to know where test IAP are based on. 我想知道IAP测试的依据。 Did I receive a test IAP because I am and a tester or just because the app is not released and still on beta? 我是否接受过测试IAP,因为我和测试人员或仅因为该应用程序尚未发布且仍处于测试阶段?

Quoting Android Docs http://www.androiddocs.com/google/play/billing/billing_testing.html 引用Android文档http://www.androiddocs.com/google/play/billing/billing_testing.html

Test purchases offer a secure, convenient way to enable larger-scale testing of your In-app Billing implementation during development or in preparation for launch. 测试购买提供了一种安全,便捷的方式,可以在开发期间或准备启动时对您的应用内结算实施进行更大规模的测试。 They let authorized user accounts make purchases of your in-app products through Google Play while the app is still unpublished, without incurring any actual charges to the user accounts. 他们允许授权用户帐户在应用仍未发布时通过Google Play购买应用内商品,而不会对用户帐户产生任何实际费用。

Once authorized with testing access, those users can side-load your app and test the full merchandising, purchase, and fulfillment flow for your products. 获得测试访问权限后,这些用户可以侧载您的应用并测试产品的完整商品推销,购买和实施流程。 Test purchases are real orders and Google Play processes them in the same way as other orders. 测试购买是真实订单,Google Play与其他订单的处理方式相同。 When purchases are complete, Google Play prevents the orders from going to financial processing, ensuring that there are no actual charges to user accounts, and automatically canceling the completed orders after 14 days. 购买完成后,Google Play会阻止订单进行财务处理,确保用户帐户无实际费用,并在14天后自动取消已完成的订单。

During development, the purchases will be testing purchases because the app is not signed. 在开发过程中,购买将测试购买,因为应用程序未签名。 On a signed release, they will be test purchases if the app is not published. 在已签名的版本中,如果应用程序未发布,它们将是测试购买。

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