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在同一个表中的 SQL Server 中将数据从一行复制到另一行

[英]Copy data from one row to another in SQL Server in the same table

I have a table that has two variations of data:我有一个包含两种数据变体的表:


Address           StreetNumber       Provider
123 Main Street   1                  VersionA
123 Main Street   NULL               VersionB

I would like to update Version A's StreetNumber into Version B.我想将版本 A 的 StreetNumber 更新为版本 B。

There will be thousands of records and the match will be on the Address column将有数千条记录,匹配​​将在地址列上

I thought to use:我想用:

update MYDATA
set StreetNumber = (select top 1 streetnumber
                    from MYDATA Goo 
                    where Goo.Address = Address and Provider = 'VersionA')
where Provider = 'VersionB'

But it seems the nesting is not looking at the row to be updated...rather its picking one record and updating all records with the same streetnumber?但似乎嵌套没有查看要更新的行......而是选择一条记录并更新具有相同街道编号的所有记录?

This should work: 应该工作:

SET StreetNumber = MDa.StreetNumber
     JOIN MYDATA MDa ON MDb.[Address] = MDa.[Address]
WHERE MDb.Provider = 'VersionB'
  AND MDa.Provider = 'VersionA'; --You can move this clause to the ON if you prefer

Came across similar issue.遇到类似的问题。 Copying data from one row to another under the same column and inside the same table.在同一列下和同一表内将数据从一行复制到另一行。 Maybe this will help.也许这会有所帮助。

   UPDATE MyData 
   SET StreetNumber = newdata.StreetNumber

   FROM (
   SELECT Password FROM [MyDB].[dbo].[MyData]
   WHERE Provider = VersionA

   WHERE Provider = VersionB

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