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[英]Merge dataframes of list and obtain names of dataframes as column

I merged all data frames from a list in just one data frame. 我将列表中的所有数据框合并为一个数据框。

The dataframes inside the list are called 列表内的数据框称为


and each data frame looks like this 每个数据框看起来像这样

Yr-M   Compound1 Compound 2
2015-01   0.002    0.15
2015-02   0.004    0.02
2015-03   0.01     0.09

when I merge all dataframes with meanall<-do.call(rbind, meaneach) I get 当我将所有数据meanall<-do.call(rbind, meaneach)meanall<-do.call(rbind, meaneach)合并时meanall<-do.call(rbind, meaneach)我得到

         Yr-M  Compound1  Compound2
TAI.1   2015-01   0.002    0.15
TAI.2   2015-02   0.004    0.02
TAI.3   2015-03   0.01     0.09
NAM.1   2015-01   0.03     0.4
NAM.2   2015-02   0.001    0.005

I would like to get a column with the names of the list and not as rownames (like above), and without the numbers (TAI.1, TAI.2...), I just want the name TAI 我想获得一列带有列表名称而不是行名的列(如上),并且没有数字(TAI.1,TAI.2 ...),我只想要名称TAI

So that I get this: 这样我得到:

 List    Yr-M  Compound1  Compound2
  TAI   2015-01   0.002    0.15
  TAI   2015-02   0.004    0.02
  TAI   2015-03   0.01     0.09
  NAM   2015-01   0.03     0.4
  NAM   2015-02   0.001    0.005

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Rownames you can not have duplicates. 行名不能重复。 So the best thing to do is convert the rownames to a column and then use gsub to remove the .[0-9], ie 因此,最好的办法是将行名转换为列,然后使用gsub删除。[0-9],即

df <- do.call(rbind, your_list)
df$list_id <- gsub('\\..*', '', rownames(df))

Note that you can use dplyr or data.table version of rbinding a list which have the option of including the list names as a column, ie 请注意,您可以使用dplyrdata.table版本的绑定列表,可以选择将列表名称作为列包括在内,即

dplyr::bind_rows(your_list, .id = 'list_id')
data.table::rbindlist(your_list, idcol = 'list_id')

You can add an additional column with the listnames after merging the three lists via do.call : 您可以通过do.call合并三个列表后,使用列表名称添加一个附加列:

nameColumn <- data.frame(listName = c(rep(c('TAI','NAM','HEE'),
                                          c(length(TAI),length(NAM),length(HEE) ))
meanall <- cbind(meanall, nameColumn)

If you want the nameColumn to be the first column, just switch arguments in cbind to 如果希望将nameColumn作为第一列,只需将cbind中的参数cbind

meanall <- cbind(nameColumn, meanall)

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