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[英]Javascript capture console.trace() instead of writing it to console

I want to get the trace of a method called, so I'm using console.trace() however, this is dumping the trace to the console itself which I don't want to do. 我想获取一个称为方法的跟踪,所以我正在使用console.trace()但是,这会将跟踪转储到了控制台中,我不想这样做。 Instead, I want to capture the result, then do some processing it. 相反,我想捕获结果,然后进行一些处理。

How can I achieve that? 我该如何实现? I know of 3rd party npm modules that do this, but I want to keep this as vanilla JS as possible. 我知道执行此操作的第3方npm模块,但我想尽可能将其保留为原始JS。

 function getStackTrace() { const { stack } = new Error("A senseless error message, this isnt one"); return stack.substr(stack.indexOf("\\n", stack.indexOf("\\n") + 1)); } function nestingOnProgress() { console.log("You will see my origin below:", getStackTrace()); } nestingOnProgress(); 

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