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Ng Bootstrap日期范围选择器[markDisabled]在输入上不起作用

[英]Ng Bootstrap date range picker [markDisabled] doesn't work on input

I'm trying to disable certain dates on ng bootstrap range picker 我正在尝试在ng bootstrap范围选择器上禁用某些日期

Currently, I have a range picker inside a pop-up, and I am using [markDisabled] to disable certain dates. 当前,我在弹出窗口中有一个范围选择器,并且我正在使用[markDisabled]禁用某些日期。


<form class="form-inline">
 <div class="form-group">
<div class="input-group">
    placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy"
    #d="ngbDatepicker" [markDisabled]="isDisabled">

    <ng-template #t let-date="date" let-focused="focused" >
        <span class="custom-day" 
            [class.range]="isFrom(date) || isTo(date) || isInside(date) || isHovered(date)"
            [class.faded]="isHovered(date) || isInside(date)"
            (mouseenter)="hoveredDate = date"
            (mouseleave)="hoveredDate = null"
        {{ date.day }}
  <div class="input-group-append">
    <button class="btn btn-outline-secondary" (click)="d.toggle()" type="button"> click

Component: 零件:

 const now = new Date();
 const equals = (one: NgbDateStruct, two: NgbDateStruct) =>
 one && two && two.year === one.year && two.month === one.month && two.day 
 === one.day;

 const before = (one: NgbDateStruct, two: NgbDateStruct) =>
 !one || !two ? false : one.year === two.year ? one.month === two.month ? 
 one.day === two.day
 ? false : one.day < two.day : one.month < two.month : one.year < two.year;

 const after = (one: NgbDateStruct, two: NgbDateStruct) =>
 !one || !two ? false : one.year === two.year ? one.month === two.month ? one.day === two.day
? false : one.day > two.day : one.month > two.month : one.year > two.year;

 export class NgbdDatepickerRange implements OnInit{
 isDisabled = (date: NgbDate, current: {month: number}) => date.day === 13;

startDate: NgbDateStruct;
maxDate: NgbDateStruct;
minDate: NgbDateStruct;
hoveredDate: NgbDateStruct;
fromDate: any;
toDate: any;
model: any;
private _subscription: Subscription;
private _selectSubscription: Subscription;
@ViewChild("d") input: NgbInputDatepicker;
@ViewChild(NgModel) datePick: NgModel;
@ViewChild('myRangeInput') myRangeInput: ElementRef;

isHovered = date => 
this.fromDate && !this.toDate && this.hoveredDate && after(date, this.fromDate) && before(date, this.hoveredDate)
isInside = date => after(date, this.fromDate) && before(date, this.toDate);
isFrom = date => equals(date, this.fromDate);
isTo = date => equals(date, this.toDate);
constructor(element: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer2, private _parserFormatter: NgbDateParserFormatter) {

ngOnInit() {
    this.startDate = {year: now.getFullYear(), month: now.getMonth() + 1, day: now.getDate()};
    this.maxDate = { year: now.getFullYear() + 1, month: now.getMonth() + 1, day: now.getDate()};
    this.minDate = {year: now.getFullYear() - 1, month: now.getMonth() + 1, day: now.getDate()};

onDateSelection(date: NgbDateStruct) {
    let parsed = '';
    if (!this.fromDate && !this.toDate) {
        this.fromDate = date;
    } else if (this.fromDate && !this.toDate && after(date, this.fromDate)) {
        this.toDate = date;
        // this.model = `${this.fromDate.year} - ${this.toDate.year}`;
    } else {
        this.toDate = null;
        this.fromDate = date;
    if(this.fromDate) {
      parsed += this._parserFormatter.format(this.fromDate);
    if(this.toDate) {
      parsed += ' - ' + this._parserFormatter.format(this.toDate);

    this.renderer.setProperty(this.myRangeInput.nativeElement, 'value', parsed);

[markDisabled] works fine when used as following [markDisabled]如下使用时效果很好

 <ngb-datepicker #dp (select)="onDateSelection($event)" [displayMonths]="2" 
 [dayTemplate]="t" outsideDays="hidden" [markDisabled]="isDisabled">

I would like to use markdisabled property inside input element since I want range picker as a pop up. 我想在输入元素中使用markdisabled属性,因为我希望将范围选择器弹出。

Here's the Demo 这是演示

I am not sure why, but somehow, your custom Day Template ( ng-template let-date="date" ) seem to have prevented the disabled dates from being rendered/marked as disabled on the popout calender. 我不确定为什么,但是以某种方式,您的自定义“天模板”( ng-template let-date="date" )似乎阻止了禁用日期在弹出式日历上呈现/标记为禁用。 You might have overwritten some properties by accident. 您可能无意中覆盖了某些属性。

I haven't had an in-depth look at your code, but I have tried the following and it seems to work. 我没有深入研究您的代码,但是我尝试了以下方法,它似乎可以工作。

First, on your component.html, I have made use of the disabled property which is part of the DayTemplateContext . 首先,在您的component.html上,我使用了DayTemplateContext一部分中的disabled属性。 After which I set the text-muted class as true, for disabled dates. 之后,针对disabled日期,将text-muted类设置为true。 This will give the greyed out appearance for disabled dates. 对于disabled日期,这将显示为灰色。 Do make sure that your 请确保您的

<ng-template #t let-date="date" let-focused="focused" let-disabled="disabled">
  <span class="custom-day" 
  [class.range]="isFrom(date) || isTo(date) || isInside(date) || isHovered(date)"
  [class.faded]="isHovered(date) || isInside(date)"
  (mouseenter)="hoveredDate = date"
  (mouseleave)="hoveredDate = null">
    {{ date.day }}

On your component.ts, I have made the following changes to your onDateSelection() method. 在您的component.ts上,我对onDateSelection()方法进行了以下更改。 This is not very elegant, but it does the job for now. 这不是很优雅,但是现在可以完成工作。 I have basically wrapped it with an if-statement to check if the date is on the 13th (which is the disabled date). 我基本上已经用if语句包装它,以检查日期是否在13号(这是禁用日期)。 This will prevent the date itself from being selected. 这将防止选择日期本身。

onDateSelection(date: NgbDateStruct) {
  let parsed = '';
  if (date.day!==13) {
   // rest of your code

EDITED: Thanks @Eliseo for the tips, and yes, we can simply add check for disabled on the click event. 编辑:感谢@Eliseo的提示,是的,我们可以简单地在click事件中添加disabled检查。 This way, there is no need for that if-statement on your onDateSelection() statement. 这样,就不需要onDateSelection()语句上的if语句。 I have updated the demo to reflect the changes. 我已经更新了演示以反映更改。

<ng-template #t let-date="date" let-focused="focused" let-disabled="disabled">
  <span class="custom-day" 
  [class.range]="isFrom(date) || isTo(date) || isInside(date) || isHovered(date)"
  [class.faded]="isHovered(date) || isInside(date)"
  (click)="!disabled && onDateSelection(date)"
  (mouseenter)="hoveredDate = date"
  (mouseleave)="hoveredDate = null">
    {{ date.day }}

You may refer to my demo here 您可以在这里参考我的演示

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