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Django Allauth贬低了吗?

[英]Is Django Allauth deprecating?

Django 2.1 Python 3.6 Django 2.1 Python 3.6

I have begun to implement djanog alllauth because I've heard a lot of good things about it, however I just saw on an issue page on github that it isn't being maintained anymore (look at the link and the second to last comment). 我已经开始实现djanog alllauth了,因为我听到了很多关于它的好东西,但是我刚刚在github上的一个问题页面上看到它不再被维护了(看看链接和第二个到最后的评论) 。 However, if you go to the gitlab page you'll see that it has commits as of beginning of March 2019. I'm confused now. 但是,如果你去gitlab页面,你会看到它已经提交到2019年3月初了。我现在很困惑。

Should I be worried about this? 我应该担心吗? Is there an alternative authentication app that I should be using instead? 是否有我应该使用的替代身份验证应用程序?

I'm using it for the login, logout, password change, email verification and possibly social authentication. 我正在使用它进行登录,注销,密码更改,电子邮件验证以及可能的社交身份验证。

https://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth/issues/468 https://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth/issues/468

As you mentioned, the project has very recent commits so it's at least in some way still maintained. 正如你所提到的,该项目最近有一些提交,所以它至少在某种程度上仍然保持着。

However, you might still want to be concerned with maintenance in a general sense. 但是,您可能仍然希望在一般意义上关注维护。 Any package you use might deprecate with little warning or heads up, though likelihood will vary. 您使用的任何软件包可能会在几乎没有警告或抬头的情况下弃用,但可能性会有所不同 If you're not sure that you will need social authentication, maybe stock Django authentication will work? 如果您不确定是否需要社交认证,那么Django认证库存是否有效?

NB: I've used django-allauth in projects that are still live and updated and this works great, but I prefer stock authentication for newer projects. 注意:我在仍然有效并且更新的项目中使用了django-allauth,这很有效,但我更喜欢对新项目进行股票认证。

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