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为什么我在repl.it上看到此代码中的“Promise {<pending>}”?

[英]Why am I seeing “Promise { <pending> }” from this code on repl.it?

I know this question has been asked a lot on stackoverflow and I've searched a lot and still am not able to understand. 我知道这个问题已经在stackoverflow问了很多,我搜索了很多但仍然无法理解。

 async function testFunc() { var test = await getSomething(); //test.resolve(); console.log("hello" + test); return ""; } testFunc().then(token => {}).catch(x => {}); function getSomething() { return "ex"; } 

In most answers it is suggested to use .then() to resolve the promise, but I've done that and I still get promise pending. 在大多数答案中,建议使用.then()来解决这个承诺,但我已经做到了,我仍然有待许可。 What is wrong in this ? 这有什么问题?

Tested this on https://repl.it/repls/UntrueLankySorting https://repl.it/repls/UntrueLankySorting上测试过

It shows me this: 它告诉我这个:

=> Promise { <pending> }

Tested this on https://repl.it/repls/UntrueLankySorting https://repl.it/repls/UntrueLankySorting上测试过

It's showing you the result of the call to catch here: 它显示了catch调用的结果:

 testFunc().then(token => {}).catch(x => {}); 

You don't care about that promise, it's just that that environment shows it to you. 你不关心这个承诺,只是那个环境向你展示。 It is indeed a pending promise as of when catch returns, but it gets settled later. 它确实是一个待定的承诺,当catch返回时,但它会在稍后解决。

That's just an aspect of the environment you were running it in. The code itself is fine other than the issue I mentioned in comments (that getSomething doesn't return a promise, so there's no need to await it). 这只是你运行它的环境的一个方面。代码本身很好,除了我在评论中提到的问题( getSomething没有返回一个promise,因此没有必要await它)。

In a comment you've asked: 在评论中你问过:

Would catch return in this case? catch在这种情况下回报? Since no error is thrown it should resolve at then right? 由于不会引发错误,应该在解决then好吗?

then and catch always return a promise. then catch总是返回一个承诺。 The promise they return gets resolved or rejected depending on what happens to the promise you called then / catch on and, if their handler gets run, what happens in the handler and what it returns. 他们返回的承诺得到解决或拒绝取决于发生了什么你叫许then / catch上,如果他们的处理程序被运行时,会发生什么情况的处理程序和它返回什么。

In this example, here's what that code does: 在这个例子中,这是代码的作用:

  1. Calls testFunc and gets the promise it returns ( async functions always return promises). 调用testFunc并获取它返回的promise( async函数总是返回promises)。 Call that Promise A. 称之为承诺A.
  2. Calls then on Promise A. then returns a new promise (Promise B). then调用Promise A. then返回一个新的承诺(Promise B)。
  3. Calls catch on Promise B. catch returns a new promise (Promise C). 调用catch Promise B. catch返回一个新的承诺(Promise C)。
  4. repl.it shows you Promise C, which is pending at that point.¹ repl.it显示Promise C,此时正在等待.¹
  5. Promise A fulfills², which calls the then handler. 承诺Afulfills²,调用then处理程序。 The then handler (effectively) returns undefined . then handler(有效地)返回undefined
  6. That fulfills Promise B with the value undefined , which fulfills Promise C (without calling the catch handler, because the promise was fulfilled, not rejected). 这实现了Promise B的值undefined ,它实现了Promise C(没有调用catch处理程序,因为promise已经完成,但没有被拒绝)。

¹ It would be permissible for an implementation to show a fulfilled state there instead in this example , but for all intents and purposes, it's best to think of the promise as pending at that point. ¹ 在本例中 ,允许实现在那里显示满足状态,但是对于所有意图和目的,最好将该承诺视为当前未决。 Since code can never directly observe the state of a promise, your code can't tell the difference. 由于代码永远不能直接观察到promise的状态,因此您的代码无法区分。

² Similarly, it would be permissible if it were already fulfilled before then was called on it, but similarly you can never see that directly in code, so... ²同样,这将是允许的,如果它是之前就已经完成then叫上,但同样你永远无法看到直接在代码中,所以...

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