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[英]Unable to redirect to login page if user is not logged in

I have a function that gets executed when a web service is called. 我有一个在调用Web服务时执行的函数。 If the user is not logged in I want to redirect to login page. 如果用户未登录,我想重定向到登录页面。 The front end I'm using is AngularJS. 我正在使用的前端是AngularJS。

The redirection is in the else part. 重定向在else部分。

This is the function: 这是功能:

public function postCustomerGetAction(Request $request) {
$tokenValidationObj = new LoginController();
$isValid = $tokenValidationObj->postValidateUserTokenAction($request);

// print_r($this->customer_id);exit;
// print_r($this->association_id);

// print_r($isValid);exit;
if($isValid == 1){
    $log = new LogController();     
    $display = new Result();
    try {
        $schema = 'customerGet.json';
        $validation = new InputValidation();
        $validationObj = $validation->dataValidation($request, $schema);
        $getKeyMap = array (
                "_customer_id"      => "customerId",
                "_customer_name"    => "customerName"
        $getFunction = 'svk_apt_get_customer';
        $conObj = new ConnectionController();
        $dbres = $conObj->buildQuery($getFunction, $getKeyMap, $validationObj);
        $result = $display->getJsonResult($dbres);
    } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
        $result = $display->getJsonException($ex);
    return $result;
    $result = $this->container->getParameter('email_template_url');
    // print_r($result);exit;
    return new RedirectResponse($result);
    // header('Location: https://stackoverflow.com');exit;
    // return $this->redirect('https://stackoverflow.com');

} }

In the response, I see the following html but it does not redirect to the page I am specifying. 在响应中,我看到以下html,但是它没有重定向到我指定的页面。 The html in response: 响应中的html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="UTF-8" />
            <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=https://stackoverflow.com" />

            <title>Redirecting to https://stackoverflow.com</title>
            Redirecting to <a href="https://stackoverflow.com">https://stackoverflow.com</a>.

How do I redirect when the web service is called and user is not logged in? 调用Web服务且用户未登录时如何重定向?

The web service / API should not be redirecting the frontend to another page. Web服务/ API不应将前端重定向到另一个页面。 If you are using Angular to interact with this web service, you should just return a "not logged in" status/flag, and then make Angular do the redirection. 如果您正在使用Angular与该Web服务进行交互,则应仅返回“未登录”状态/标志,然后使Angular进行重定向。

For a creating a custom response, you can refer to: Symfony security return 401 response instead of redirect 对于创建自定义响应,您可以参考: Symfony安全返回401响应而不是重定向

The HTTP Status 401 should be enough. HTTP状态401应该足够了。 More details about this status here: https://httpstatuses.com/401 此处有关此状态的更多详细信息: https : //httpstatuses.com/401

Angular should detect that, and then redirect. Angular应该检测到该错误,然后重定向。

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