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Hyperledger Fabric:无法运行peer,因为从目录设置bccsp类型的MSP时出错:提供的标识无效

[英]Hyperledger Fabric: Cannot run peer because error when setting up MSP of type bccsp from directory: the supplied identity is not valid


2019-03-21 00:17:33.657 UTC [main] InitCmd -> ERRO 001 Cannot run peer because error when setting up MSP of type bccsp from directory /home/mydir: the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

To fix this error verify that the msp directory has a folder cacerts inside it which contains the certificate of the authority you have used to obtain the cert under signcerts and admincerts folder. 要修复此错误,请验证msp目录中是否包含文件夹cacerts ,其中包含您在signcertsadmincerts文件夹下用于获取证书的权限证书。 If you are using an intermediate CA then you should also have an intermediatecerts folder under the msp dir. 如果您使用的是中间CA,那么您还应该在msp目录下有一个intermediatecerts文件夹。 Example of correctly setup msp: 正确设置msp的示例:

root@1741bbd6e1ee:/home# tree peer05-jnj
|-- admincerts
|   `-- cert.pem
|-- cacerts
|   `-- ica-jnj-7054.pem
|-- intermediatecerts
|   `-- ica-jnj-7054.pem
|-- keystore
|   `-- 75446a991f94558a0821a8cf8258746171359580f907bae88aa5f937e197bbc5_sk
|-- signcerts
|   `-- cert.pem
|-- tlscacerts
|   `-- tls-ica-jnj-7054.pem
|-- tlsintermediatecerts
|   `-- tls-ica-jnj-7054.pem
`-- user

The admincerts is mandatory when starting a peer. 启动对等体时, admincerts是必需的。 If there is no admincert, you get below error: 如果没有admincert,则会出现以下错误:

2019-03-21 18:00:10.985 UTC [main] InitCmd -> ERRO 001 Cannot run peer because error when setting up MSP of type bccsp from directory /home/peer03-jnj: could not load a valid admin certificate from directory /home/peer03-jnj/admincerts: stat /home/peer03-jnj/admincerts: no such file or directory


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