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[英]WIldfly and JavaEE security configuration with Elytron

I'm trying to became more familiar with Wildfly security configuration and have some problems with understanding of relation between options in server side configs like standalone.xml and application side configs like web.xml and jboss-web.xml. 我试图变得更加熟悉Wildfly安全配置,并在理解服务器端配置(如standalone.xml)和应用程序端配置(如web.xml和jboss-web.xml)之间的选项之间的关系时遇到一些问题。

I have several question about this configuration which was based on Wildfly servlet security example. 关于基于Wildfly Servlet安全示例的此配置,我有几个问题。 I already try it out and it works but several things are not clear for me. 我已经尝试过了,并且可以正常工作,但是对我来说有些事情还不清楚。

  1. How I see the basic type of authentication is defined in Authentication Factory on server side and in web.xml on application side. 如何查看身份验证的基本类型在服务器端的Authentication Factory和应用程序端的web.xml中定义。 Which one have a priority. 哪一个优先。 Is that obligatory to declare it twice. 是否必须两次声明。
  2. The name of realm 'RealmUsersRoles'. 领域“ RealmUsersRoles”的名称。 Is it mean the same entity in server side configs and web.xml 这是否意味着服务器端配置和web.xml中的实体相同
  3. In ideal case I want to get explanation of interconnection between all security entities which are mentioned in this configuration. 在理想情况下,我想解释一下此配置中提到的所有安全实体之间的互连。

Here is JBoss CLI configuration script 这是JBoss CLI配置脚本

# 1. Add the JDBC security realm creation
{sql="SELECT PASSWORD FROM USERS WHERE USERNAME = ?", data-source="MySQLDS", clear-password-mapper={password-index=1}},\
{sql="SELECT R.NAME, 'Roles' FROM USERS_ROLES UR INNER JOIN ROLES R ON R.ID = UR.ROLE_ID INNER JOIN USERS U ON U.ID = UR.USER_ID WHERE U.USERNAME = ?", data-source="MySQLDS", attribute-mapping=[{index=1, to=roles}]}])

# 2. Add a simple role decoder for the "roles" attribute mapping

# 3. Configure the servlet-security-quickstart security domain
default-realm=servlet-security-jdbc-realm, \
realms=[{realm=servlet-security-jdbc-realm, role-decoder=from-roles-attribute}], \

# 4. Configure the HTTP Authentication Factory

# 5. Configure Undertow's application security domain

web.xml web.xml中

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web-app version="3.1" xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_1.xsd">


jboss-web.xml 的jboss-web.xml中

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Here is a link to Wildfly example I use as a base https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/master/servlet-security 这是我用作基本https://github.com/wildfly/quickstart/tree/master/servlet-security的 Wildfly示例的链接

Here is all my code based on this example with some modifications https://github.com/usharik/GeekBrainsJavaEE/tree/master/lesson8-security 这是我基于此示例进行的所有修改后的所有代码https://github.com/usharik/GeekBrainsJavaEE/tree/master/lesson8-security

  1. You need to configure the basic type of authentication in the server configuration but not in web.xml 您需要在服务器配置中配置身份验证的基本类型,而无需在web.xml配置
  2. The name of realm is not important. 领域的名称并不重要。 It is just displayed in the browser when you get the 401 Unauthorized (the WWW-Authenticate header). 当您获得401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate标头)时,它仅显示在浏览器中。 If the ream name is configured in web.xml it is used, otherwise the one from the server config is used. 如果在web.xml配置了名称,则使用该名称,否则将使用服务器配置中的名称。

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